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ACA and Medicare

submitted by Joan Sloane.

Medicare recipients, did you know?
The Affordable Care Act has also been benefiting you!

The Affordable Care Act, in addition to helping millions of Americans, has also provided Medicare recipients with many no-cost preventive benefits. Certain services may now be completely covered for Medicare beneficiaries; this includes, but isn’t limited to:

**Abdominal aortic aneurysm screenings
** Alcohol misuse screenings and counseling
** Cardiovascular disease screenings for cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipid levels
** Cervical and vaginal cancer screenings
** Certain colorectal cancer screenings
** HIV screenings
** Depression screenings
** Diabetes type 2 screenings
** Nutrition counseling services
** Obesity screenings and counseling
** Certain vaccines, such as the flu shot, pneumococcal shot, and hepatitis B shot
** Sexually transmitted infections screenings and counseling
** One-time ‘Welcome to Medicare’ visit
** Annual ‘Wellness’ preventive visits

Confirm the details of coverage with your Medicare plan and your doctor or healthcare provider. Some benefits may have additional eligibility requirements to be covered by Medicare. Make sure your doctor or healthcare provider accepts Medicare assignment, or the benefit may not be fully covered.

ACA’s expanded Medicare preventive coverage applies to all Medicare beneficiaries, whether they have Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan. However, if you’re interested in broader health coverage, many Medicare Advantage plans (my own included) cover benefits beyond Original Medicare, such as routine vision and dental benefits, wellness programs, or prescription drug coverage.

For complete information about these coverages, please visit this ehealth site.

NOTE:  As of the writing of this article, the Graham Cassidy Bill may shortly repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, so the situation may change.
To learn more about the implications of repealing the ACA for Medicare spending and beneficiaries, the Kaiser Family Foundation offers important information.

Take an active role in preventing repeal of the ACA, call Senator Graham & Senator Scott – 
Let them know this is unacceptable.

Graham’s D.C. Office:  202-224-5972
Graham’s Charleston office:  843-849-3887
Graham’s Florence office:  843-669-1505

Scott’s DC office:  202-224-6121
Scott’s Charleston office:  843-727-4525

And, even though we are not citizens of these pivotal states, you can email or call these senators – their votes will be decisive in determining whether millions of Americans could be thrown into a healthcare abyss.

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK):  202-224-6665
Susan Collins (R-ME):  202-224-2523
Dean Heller (R-NV):  202-224-6244

While we’re at it, we can send John McCain a thank you:  202-224-2235

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