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Change to November 2019 Meeting

Horry County Democratic Party

The Horry County Democratic Party Executive Committee voted to implement a rule change that will allow us to elect county party officers in odd numbered years. Based on that vote I asked delegates to the 2018 county convention to attend a Special County Convention in November 2019, so that they could vote on the election of officers.

On Thursday, October 10, I received a call from Trav Robertson, Chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party. Trav informed me that the rules state that the rule change that I previously referred to cannot be implemented until 2020.

Since we cannot implement the rule change until 2020, the Special County Convention in November 2019 is cancelled.

The good news is that we can still achieve our objective of the odd year election of officers; however, we will need to take additional steps. I will lay out the chronology for you below.

  • November 4, 2019 – We will hold an EC meeting only
  • January 13, 2020 – EC Meeting. We will need to take a new vote on moving county officer elections to odd years.
  • Assuming that the odd year election year vote passes, I will send a letter to Trav Robertson, SCDP Chair to provide the notice required by the rule change.
  • April 4, 2020 – County Convention; We will elect a Chair, Vice Chairs and State EC’s and alternates. The Chair and Vice Chairs will serve a one-year term as we transition to odd year election of officers. In 2021 we will meet in convention to elect officers for two years. The State EC’s and alternates will serve a two-year term and those positions will be up for reelection in 2022.

 The November 4 EC meeting will occur (Justice Center, sign-in 5:30, meeting begins 6:00).

I apologize for the confusion and I thank you for your dedication to the Horry County Democratic Party.


Don Kohn, Chairman

Horry County Democratic Party

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