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Democratic Neighborhood Precinct Meetings Set for Saturday, March 12

Democrats across Horry County will gather at 10am on Saturday, March 12 to meet their neighbors, organize their precincts, select local leaders and choose delegates to the county convention scheduled for the following weekend.

“Every two years, Democrats in Horry County have this great opportunity to meet friends and neighbors who share their political perspective,” says HCDP Chair Joan Furlong. “People who attend precinct meetings also learn how to get involved in strengthening the Party and promoting Democratic values.”

The county is divided into eight geographic clusters to include all 122 precincts. The cluster areas are Aynor, Bucksport, Carolina Forest, Conway, Myrtle Beach, North Strand, Northwest Horry, and South Horry.

For a detailed breakdown of how the 122 county precincts are divided, and to find your precinct cluster location, please review the HCDP Precinct Clusters PDF here.

For more information, call HCDP at +1(843)488-4237 or Contact Us.

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