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For the Future: Join the Fight

By Don Kohn.

We are living through a historic time, one that our grandchildren will learn about in school and will most likely feel the impact of as they grow into adulthood.

It is a time when the President of the United States, simply out of spite or hate, stupidity, greed or gut feel has made decisions that will affect the future of our nation for many years to come. The result is that his own presidency and the future of his political party are in dire jeopardy, and it’s entirely possible that he will not even complete his first term in office.

Now is a time that is even more serious than Watergate, that infamous political burglary about which President Richard M. Nixon lied and then was forced to resign under threat of impeachment.

But unlike Watergate, the Trump presidency in its virtual entirety has led our nation into a future of:

  • International insecurity because of his shoot-from-the-hip “America First” policies and admiration for strongman dictators;
  • Environmental insecurity because of his hate for President Obama and his determination to undo every single one of Obama’s achievements;
  • Healthcare insecurity because of his blind promise to undo Obamacare;
  • Economic insecurity because of his give-to-the-rich tax cuts that are creating a federal budget deficit that will force future generations to repay and his misguided tariffs that are increasing the cost of living for ordinary Americans;
  • Human relations insecurity because of his disdain for racial minorities, women (except for you know what), LGBTQ individuals, and virtually anyone who is not a middle-aged white male.

The government shutdown that we have experienced for more than a month, and which has devastated families and endangered our people, is simply a result of Trump’s blind desire to fulfill his campaign promise for a wall on our southern border, one for which Mexico would pay and that would keep out his version of undesirables.

Democrats in Congress, of course, have refused to bend to Trump’s demand while most Republicans, particularly Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel, have acquiesced despite the common sense knowledge that a multi-billion dollar wall would be one of the least effective ways to secure our border. Thus, the shutdown deadlock, only temporarily broken by the Jan. 25 agreement for a three-week pause without wall funding while negotiations continue.

The long-term impact of the shutdown, however, will be felt for many years. It has resulted in government employees, many highly skilled and trained at taxpayers’ expense, are now being forced to leave government service for the private sector. As long as this kind of insecurity exists, what educated young person would choose the insecurity of working for Donald Trump’s federal government?

This discussion has not even touched on what is lurking behind all of this: the special counsel’s investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election that was intended to help Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. As we know, that investigation has resulted in six of Trump’s closest associates being indicted, some convicted, of various crimes. What the end result of that investigation will be is yet unknown.

However, additional investigations have been, or are being, launched now that Democrats control the House of Representatives. Trump’s former attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen has been subpoenaed to testify, having declined to testify voluntarily because of threats to his family made by Donald Trump. Some are calling that witness tampering, a federal crime.

Yes, it is possible that the House of Representatives will bring articles of impeachment against the president, although whether the Republican controlled Senate would convict depends on facts yet to unfold.

So, what should we Democrats do in the meantime, especially those of us who are far from Washington and have little to do with what happens on Capitol Hill?

Listen to Robert Redford

Robert Redford’s commentary in The Washington Post Jan. 25 is right on point. Here’s what he wrote:

It is painfully clear we have a president who degrades everything he touches, a person who does not understand (or care?) that his duty is to defend our democracy. Meanwhile, those who should be providing the balance our Founding Fathers intended, such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), are instead choosing partisan politics, blind loyalty and extreme, outdated ideologies.

But how do we, as citizens, fix this? Our most powerful tool is still the electoral process. We must not be distracted from the opportunity we have in 2020 to reject hatred and division and choose civility and progress. Let’s not talk about impeachment or put all our hopes on the special counsel: The former is mired in Washington politics, and the latter will be once the report is released. Let’s stay focused on taking back our country with the power of our votes.

It is painfully clear we have a president who degrades everything he touches, a person who does not understand (or care?) that his duty is to defend our democracy. Meanwhile, those who should be providing the balance our Founding Fathers intended, such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), are instead choosing partisan politics, blind loyalty and extreme, outdated ideologies.

But how do we, as citizens, fix this? Our most powerful tool is still the electoral process. We must not be distracted from the opportunity we have in 2020 to reject hatred and division and choose civility and progress. Let’s not talk about impeachment or put all our hopes on the special counsel: The former is mired in Washington politics, and the latter will be once the report is released. Let’s stay focused on taking back our country with the power of our votes.

To do that, we have to start now. If we have learned anything from the past two elections, it’s that we have to focus energy early and consistently on the right candidates and issues — locally and nationally — to rescue our democracy.

I’m not satisfied any longer simply waiting for justice to be served. I’m determined to fight for it, now and for the next two years, inspired by newer and younger voices picking up the cause.

There is so much damage to heal from, so much division to repair, so many good works to return to. What a worthy fight to engage in, don’t you think?

Join the Fight

Redford is right, and that means we Democrats in Horry County, SC need to take up that fight. The opportunities are there as we look towards 2020. There are openings for candidates at virtually all levels, and for those who are interested and who qualify, we are anxious to provide support.

We are beginning, even now, with our plans for fundraising to provide resources for a successful 2020 campaign. Watch for more information about that.

You can help in other important ways by getting active as a volunteer. If you have time and interest, please let us know. We need you – perhaps most importantly to help us register thousands of new voters over the next 20 months. That is the key to our success and we are now organizing an army of volunteers to help make that happen.

So, if you are concerned about the future of our nation and agree with our Democratic principles, please join our fight. Yes, Horry County has been controlled by Republicans for many years. But times are changing, and we are determined to take our government, our country, back and return it to the people.

To help, just call us at +1(843)488-4237 or contact us here.

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