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Fundraising Pandemic Style

Every year HCDP has two major fundraising events so we can keep the lights on in the office, organize voter registration drives, pay for advertising that will help Democratic candidates in county and state elections as well as community outreach and other events.

This year our very popular Golf Outing and SHORE Dinner fundraisers had to be cancelled due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19. Hopefully, they will be back next year, especially if we can get the vote out and elect Democratic candidates at the local and federal levels.

In the meantime, we needed to look at alternative fundraising strategies. We encourage everyone to donate under one of these virtual events and spread the word to help us put money in the coffers so we can achieve our goals in this very critical election year.

You can donate under any of the fundraisers listed below or do a general one time donation or set up a monthly contribution to HCDP by going to our website.

Keep in mind that all donations set up through ActBlue, even when using the donate option on the website, will incur a 4% fee. This fee is taken from the contribution. In order for HCDP to receive the full amount you intended, you can either add 4% to your contribution amount or bypass ActBlue and send us a check with a note with your name, contact information (phone and email) and the fundraising event you want to apply it to. Sending a check is also an option for general donations to avoid the ActBlue fee.

Checks are only sent to the following P.O. Box, not the HCDP office address.


P.O. Box 51522

Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

Please do not come by the office to drop off checks without calling first (843-488-4237) as we are still on limited opening hours.

The virtual events replacing the Golf Outing and SHORE Dinner will begin July 21 and end August 21.

Door Prizes!

The virtual events for the Golf Outing and SHORE Dinner will have a selection of door prizes. These door prizes will be private donations from Democrats across the county and items, such as gift cards, from sponsors who have advertised in past programs for these two events. Door prizes will be given away based on the amount of the donation; the highest bidder gets first choice until we run out of donors or run out of prizes. One door prize per donor. Make sure you provide your email and phone number, if donating by check, for these two events. We wouldn’t want you to miss an opportunity to pick something you never thought you needed! If you would like to donate a door prize, please contact Cathy at

It’s Tee Time

It’s Tee Time is our virtual Golf Outing event. We are asking individuals who would have attended this year to contribute at least half the cost of the entry fee or, if you were only coming for lunch, the cost of a lunch ticket. If we had the Golf Outing, you would have paid $75 per player. Non golfers attending for the lunch would have paid $20. Donations to It’s Tee Time would then be half of the $75 entry fee or the full cost of lunch. Even if you were not planning on attending the Golf Outing this year you can still donate to this virtual event.

Online donations can be made through the link to ActBlue called It’s Tee Time. Checks are also accepted through the P.O. Box address above. Remember to include your name and contact information so you can be eligible for a door prize!

It’s a SHORE Thing

It’s a SHORE Thing is our virtual SHORE Dinner event. We are asking individuals who would have attended to contribute at least half the cost of a ticket. Last year’s cost was $85 per ticket.

Online donations can be made through the link to ActBlue called It’s A SHORE Thing. Checks are also accepted through the P.O. Box address above. Again, remember to include your name and contact information when paying by check so you can be eligible for a door prize! Even if you were not planning on attending the SHORE Dinner this year you can still donate to this virtual event.

Book Fair

The sale of donated books at the SHORE Dinner is very popular every year. This year we are doing a separate Book Fair. We will publish a list of gently used or new books we receive from donors. Book prices are $2.50 for softcover and $5 for hardcover. All you have to do is look at the list, select the book title and call the office at 843-488-4237 to reserve your book. Office personnel will advise when you can pick the book up. Please remember to call first to make sure your selection is available! Also remember we are practicing social distancing and masking so be prepared if you come to the office.

If you would like to donate a book or two please contact Cathy at Book collections will start July 21 and go through August 21.

Details about available books and dates of the Book Fair will be communicated soon.

And Now for Something Fun!

HCDP First Vice Chair Barbara Hake has a very special item she would like to pass around – a Donald Trump doll!

We are calling this fundraiser Pass the Donnie.

Donors can contribute $25 to take Donnie home for a day. He must be returned after 24 hours and we will spray him with disinfectant before passing him to the next person.

However, you can’t just keep him to vent your frustrations at, you must send HCDP a picture of him doing something that expresses how you feel about unseating him in November (e.g. hanging upside down over a toilet to indicate you want to “flush him”) or him doing something “typically Donnie”. We don’t want anything vulgar and he must not be damaged.

All photos will be compiled into a video with voice over stating who took the photo as well as a funny comment about it. The video will be uploaded to the HCDP YouTube site as well as posted on social media.

If this is something you are interested in, please call the office at 843-488-4237 to make arrangements for payment, delivery and pick up. Donnie will not be in the office so please do not drop by to pick him up.

Let’s have some fun with this one!

You only have between July 21 and August 21 to contribute to the Pass the Donnie fundraiser!


Food Drive

Although this is not a fundraiser, we want to let everyone know that we are having an ongoing food drive for the next several months to collect non-perishable food items for families in need throughout Horry County. Please call the office at 843-488-4237 for further information on how to drop off items. You can also send a monetary donation, via check, to the P.O. Box making sure you indicate the money is for the HCDP Food Drive. All donations will be used to buy food items for the drive.

A Big Thank You to Our Supporters!

Thank you for your continued support of the Horry County Democratic Party. And please pass the word to friends and family about our virtual fundraisers this year. All donations, no matter how big or small, are greatly appreciated!

Virtual hugs from all of us to all of you and please be safe.

The ways to contribute are listed below:

Donations by Check. Include fundraiser name, if applicable, donor name, phone number and email address.


P.O. Box 51522

Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

ActBlue links

 It’s Tee Time

 It’s A SHORE Thing

Book Fair, Pass the Donnie and Food Drive Donations:

Call the HCDP office at 843-488-4237.

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