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Raise Your Voice

Democrats need to make their views and opinions known. Use your voice to let your friends, your family, and your neighbors know how the decisions made in Horry County and South Carolina impact all citizens and hard working families.

There are several ways you can reach out to express your concerns. Your Elected Officials need to know about issues affecting their constituents. The News Media — whether newspapers, magazines, online publications, or television news broadcasters — all set aside certain sections for public feedback. Social Media and interpersonal communications are also great methods for sharing your opinions.

Contact Elected Officials

contact-elected-officialContacting your Elected Officials with a letter, an email, or a short courteous phone call can help to keep them informed of an issue affecting those that they represent. When reaching out to them to discuss a topic — be factual, polite, objective, and concise. As a citizen, you may also prepare a petition relating to a cause that is important to you that can be presented to those that govern. The petition can be signed by many in person or online. There are several providers of online petition management that exist today. Be sure to express your appreciation for your Elected Official’s support and time as well. They do enjoy receiving messages of gratitude when they have worked to solve a problem for their constituents.

Letters To The Editor

letter-to-the-editorWhether in print or online editions, a letter to the editor of the local newspaper may be read by a wide audience of community members, activists, government officials and legislators. Editorials and letters (often referred to as “LTEs”) are an important way to voice your opinion, announce an event, show agreement or disagreement, or correct an error in a news item.

An effective “Letter to the Editor” or Editorial can help to:

A few guidelines for submitting your letters and comments for publication are:

  1. To maximize your chances of getting published, always include your full name, address, and phone number so that the publisher may confirm that you are the author of the letter or opinion piece.
  2. Review and edit your letter for typos, misspellings, clarity, and length. Priority is usually given to letters that are 150 to 300 (or fewer) words. Keep it short and to the point to help ensure the message is clear.
  3. Include supporting facts and statistical data when appropriate and helpful.

You may be able to persuade others to take action. Consider becoming one of our “Mighty Pens” — an informal group of HCDP supporters who are frequent contributors of letters, articles, and opinion pieces to various local news outlets.

List of newspapers in South Carolina

Call in to Radio Shows

call in to radioLocal AM and FM radio station programs — whether talk, music, or news based — often feature interviews with guests and will take questions and comments from the listening audience. Radio programs offer excellent opportunities for sharing a Democratic perspective. You may discuss a particular subject, remind listeners of voter registration deadlines, announce upcoming elections, or share news about community events.

Plan ahead to call right before the segment you wish to join in on. Dial in just before the program segment begins, or during a commercial break. Try again if you get a busy signal. Most programs screen calls to ensure that the caller can speak clearly and loudly enough to be understood. The call screener will also verify the topic you wish to discuss. Be prepared to offer a short summary of your discussion points and make them sound interesting or useful. Your call will be put in a queue after this screening process.

Remember to turn down the volume of your radio or leave the room where it is located while you are on the call. Radio signal feedback can ruin your chances of being heard, and may cause your call to be disconnected.

Make your point clearly and calmly. Breathe deeply, speak slowly and focus — especially if the current discussion is already heated. Avoid using slang words, jargon, and especially do not use profanity. Be courteous to the host and always thank her or him for taking your call.

A list of local radio stations in and around Horry County may also be found here.

Local Television News

tvYour local television news providers often air public interest stories, invite guest speakers on to discuss a topic, and share news about events in the community.

The TV News main websites — as well as the social media pages — allow for comments and public feedback. Viewers may post remarks, questions, or suggestions for coverage of local issues and activities.

WFXB Fox 43 
3364 Huger St
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

101 Mcdonald Ct
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588

2699 Willowdale Rd
Aynor, SC 29511

918 Frontage Rd E
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

10 University Blvd.
Conway, SC 29526

Social Media

social-mediaFacebook, Instagram, and Threads are excellent platforms for sharing your opinions and presenting the Democratic viewpoint. As with all other media, be clear and focused in your comments. Feel free to share news, articles, and insights that you like from your HCDP website as well.

Data collected in 2014 shows that over half of all adults online use two or more social media platforms to read about current events and to share information.

Social media is an excellent way to announce events, meetings, and political action campaigns. In addition to presenting your own ideas, you can share the views and opinions of fellow Democrats in a number of ways:

Like HCDP on Facebook and share the news and articles that you enjoy.

Stay informed with periodic updates about local events, meetings, and elections by joining our newsletter.

Let People Know You’re a Democrat

democratMany social situations involve conversations with friends and acquaintances. When the subject of politics comes up, you have an opportunity to point out positive, progressive Democratic viewpoints.

As with all encounters, keep it civil and calm. (Rest assured, the facts are likely to be on your side.) You will find that many people do share your views.

Let others know you are proud to be a Democrat from Horry County by wearing one of our T-Shirts! Visit our online storefront.