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HCDP Thanks Local Veterans for Discussion on VA Issues

HCDP is grateful to the following veterans for participating in our Veterans Day interview. The interview was held October 23, 2019 at the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center in Little River.

To read about what the veterans discussed, see Red Tape, Bureaucratic Delays Frustrate Horry County Veterans and Local Veterans Open Up About Healthcare Under the VA.

To see a video of the discussion please click here.

A video about the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center can be found here.

Keith Bacon

Current: Chairman of the Board, Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center, Little River

Military Branch: U.S Army

Service: In 1969, commissioned second lieutenant in the Armor Branch. Completed Airborne and Ranger school, then joined the 82nd Airborne Division. Completed Pathfinder school prior to spending a year in Korea. Promoted to Captain and assigned to the Armor school at Fort Knox, KY, in the command and staff department. Subject matter expert of the tank platoon in defense and delay.

Dr. Bruce Fischer

Current: Democratic Candidate for SC House of Representatives, Dist. 56

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Service: helicopter pilot, one tour in Vietnam

Patty Hampton

Current: retired

Military Branch: U.S. Air Force

Service: Medic, enlisted 1977 and discharged as E-4 Sgt in 1985.  Stationed at MacDill AFB Fla, Norton AFB Calif, Homestead AFB Fla, Bitburg AFB Germany, Elgin AFB Fla.

Additional Comments: I went in to follow my family history of serving in the military. I feel really thankful to have VA benefits due to being a disabled Vet!

Harold “Buster” Hatcher

Current: Chief, Waccamaw Indian Nation

Military Branch: U.S. Army 1968 – 1988.

Service: Republic of Vietnam, Post War Korea (3 years 2 tours). 82nd Airborne served at Ft. Bragg and Vietnam. Wounded in Vietnam was retrained from 11D (Armored Recon) to 63C (Track

Repairman). Retired as CWO-3 – 630A Maintenance Technician.

Medals: Purple Heart among other service medals and honors.

Susan Hayes Hatcher

Current: Assistant Chief, Waccamaw Indian Nation

Military Branch: U.S. Air Force — Apr 3, 1978 – Apr 30, 1998; Retired as SSgt, E5 from OTS Recruiting, Shaw AFB

Service: Signal Intelligence Production Journeyman – NSA, Ft George G. Meade. 363 Transportation (Driver’s School) – Shaw AFB, Sumter, SC. 86 TFW/USAFE (Logistics) – Ramstien AB, Germany. 9AF/CENTAF (Logistics) – Shaw AFB, Sumter, SC. A short stay at RSAF HQs, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield

Additional Service: (NPS) Recruiter – Virginia (Yorktown, Newport News), Officer Training School (OTS) Recruiter – SC (Columbia, Greenville, Spartanburg), NC (Boone, Cullowhee)

Don Kohn

Current: Chair, Horry County Democratic Party

Military Branch: U.S. Air Force, May 1969 to Feb 1973

Service: Sergeant. Aircraft communications technician. Stationed at Tactical Air Command HQ in Virginia. Temporary assignment to Vietnam.

Michael Pearman

Current: Truck driver, part time graphics artist

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Service: Sergeant. 88m – Heavy Wheeled Operator. U.S. Army 2009-2017 (active duty) 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO. U.S. Army Reserves 2017-present 846th Transportation Company, Salisbury, NC

Deployments: Iraq: 4th Infantry Division – Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn (Mar. 2010 – Mar. 2011). Kuwait: 4th Infantry Division -Operation Spartan Shield (Jan. 2015 – Nov. 2015)

Medals:  3 Army Achievement Medals, 3 Good Conduct Medals, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with campaign star

Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon

Jack W. Schonely

Current: Volunteer at Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center, Little River

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Service: Commissioned 2nd Lt. after graduating in 1952 from Penn State. Fort Benning, GA. Jump School January 1953. Platoon Leader in L CO. 325 Airborne Infantry Regiment. 82nd Airborne Division. Served in Korea in 1954 in 2nd Infantry Division and 7th Infantry Division. Last assignment as Executive Officer of A Company 17th Regiment 7th Division.

Richard Trout

Current: Treasurer, Horry County Democratic Party

Military Branch: 10 years enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Retired as Captain after 20 years. Retired about 10 years ago.

Service: Served in the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Ronald Wilson

Current: Director of the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center, Little River

Military Branch: U.S. Army, enlisted January 1970, honorably discharged as a Sergeant E-5 in February 1972.

Service: After basic training, was assigned to the Signal Training Center at Ft. Gordon, GA. Sent to Vietnam in March 1971; worked in the Force Development office of the 1st Signal Brigade, USASTRATOM.

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