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If We Want Change, We Need to be the Change

by Don Kohn.

Across the nation, it is clear that a Blue Wave is building as we head towards the November 6 elections, and it has some stalwart Republican leaders worried that it could turn into a tsunami.

Just last Tuesday the Democratic-backed liberal candidate Rebecca Dallet trounced conservative Michael Screnock in the race for a 10-year term on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the latest indication that the political ground has shifted since President Donald Trump and Republican Sen. Ron Johnson won there in 2016.

That prompted conservative GOP Gov. Scott Walker to send out this tweet:

“Tonight’s results show we are at risk of a #BlueWave in WI. The Far Left is driven by anger & hatred – we must counter it with optimism & organization. Let’s share our positive story with voters & win in November.”

Well, Gov. Walker, I say we turn that statement of yours around. Here’s how I would say it:

“A #BlueWave is building across the nation, including right here in South Carolina. The Far Right  is driven by anger & hatred – we must counter it with optimism & organization. Let’s share our positive story with voters & win in November.”

To that end, I want to encourage all Horry County Democrats, as well as those who consider themselves to be independent, and Republicans who are concerned about the direction of our state and our nation, to get involved. I truly believe that if we work together and are willing to work hard, we can succeed.

But to ride that big beautiful #BlueWave that has Walker and others of his ilk so concerned, we must work together as a team and move incessantly toward our single goal of electing Democrats. I call upon all HCDP members to focus on that objective. The potential is there for victory, but we must work hard, in unison, to make that a reality.

To achieve that success, I’ll share with you some of our strategy. (Republicans, go ahead and read on.) Because if we do our job right – and we will – your response won’t really matter. Sort of like a John Smoltz split-finger fastball. You know it’s coming, but you still can’t hit it.

It’s really just politics 101. But the key, like that fastball, is execution – making it happen.


We must educate voters about the key issues affecting us.

We must effectively explain and communicate our position on those issues and the solutions to problems that we propose.

Then, we must motivate voters to register and vote.

Finally, but equally important, we must protect voter rights. All too often insidious steps are taken to discourage and intimidate voters or to disqualify their ballots. We must not – and will not — allow that to happen.


Our candidates must run effective, determined, positive campaigns, taking advantage of every opportunity to reach potential voters.

As a county organization, we will provide candidates with all the support we can muster.


Every communication, both internal and external, must focus on at least one of these factors: voters, candidates, Issues.

We need to increase our audience and we are developing plans to achieve that using all of the means at our disposal.


We must work together effectively to generate sufficient resources to carry out our objectives.

We are developing an aggressive strategy for fundraising that will broaden our reach within the Horry County community.

We welcome the assistance of people who would like to work behind the scenes to help make this effort successful.

A banner year in fundraising will allow us to do more to support our candidates, communication and voter connections

All of this means that every Democrat and every concerned citizen, whether those born and raised here or our many new residents who seek to enjoy all the many benefits of our area, must be reached, informed, and encouraged to be involved.

To succeed, we all must step up and participate.

Remember the words of President Obama:

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

If we want change, we need to be the change.






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