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MLK Weekend “Drum Major Awards” Nominations Due on Dec. 16

MYRTLE BEACH — Friday, December 16 is the deadline to submit nominations for 13 “Drum Major Awards” to be presented during the 11th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend in Myrtle Beach, Jan. 12-16, 2017.  The nominees will be people or organizations who have most contributed to improving the quality of life in Horry County and its part of the Grand Strand, in the spirit of the late Dr. King.

These public service awards take their name from a speech given by Dr. King to the congregation of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church on Feb. 4, 1968, when he described what he called the “drum major instinct,” a desire to lead but from selfless motives.

Anyone may submit one or more nominations for the Drum Major Awards (see details below). Please provide a brief summary of the person or group’s activities and accomplishments you think worthy of consideration. An award can be recommended posthumously to a person who has died during 2016. Nominations may be e-mailed to  Award winners will be notified in advance and will be invited to attend the Corporate & Community Breakfast on Monday, January 16 to receive their awards.

For a tentative schedule of the MLK Weekend events, see this PDF:  MLK2017_Schedule.

The 13 Drum Major Awards

  • Four Grand Strand Student Athletic Scholar Awards (Note: nominees must have attended a school in Horry County in 2016)
    • High School Female Student Athletic Scholar
    • High School Female Student Athletic Scholar
    • College Female Student Athletic Scholar
    • College Female Student Athletic Scholar
  • Booker T. Washington Award – to a member of the African-American community who has contributed to the general benefit of Horry County
  • Grand Strand Leadership Award – to the person who has most contributed to the general welfare and on an organization or institution in Horry County by virtue of his or her leadership skills
  • Good Business Practice Award – to the business that has most demonstrated good business practices in Horry County
  • Good Samaritan Award – to the person who has contributed the most selfless, humanitarian act or behavior that defines what a true “good Samaritan” is
  • Professional Service Award – to the person, business or organization demonstrating the best of what “professional service” means
  • Judicial and Law Enforcement Service Award – to the person in the field of judiciary or law enforcement who has best demonstrated conduct and behavior advancing the cause of Civil Rights and community justice
  • Human Services Award – to the agency or organization that has most contributed to the benefit of all people of Horry County
  • Youth Advocacy Award – to the person or group that has most contributed to youth activities and advocacy
  • Teacher of the Year – to the teacher or school administrator who has best exemplified the meaning of civil rights education

For questions or further information, contact Bennie Swans, MLK Weekend Chairman, at 843-903-4939 or 843-251-2061 or

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