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Standing Against Asian Hate

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]By Bob Gatty

It was a beautiful spring evening March 24 when some 50 students, educators, and others gathered on the lawn at Coastal Carolina University to express solidarity with their Asian brothers and sisters who have been so tragically targeted since the Covid 19 pandemic struck America just about one year ago.

Prompted by the murders of eight people at three Asian spas in Atlanta, including six Asian women, the vigil was led by two professors from the school’s Social Justice Research Initiative and Women’s and Gender Studies and supported by Grand Strand Action Together (GSAT).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1616771370110{padding-bottom: 40px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_video link=”” title=”Standing Against Asian Hate on the lawn at Coastal Carolina University”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“There’s been a long history of hate against the Asian-American community in this country, as long as the history of this country,” said Deborah Perkins, associate professor of sociology and founder and director of the Social Justice Research Institute.

“More recently, you can fast forward to 2020 and there was a lot of anti-Asian-American sentiment by Donald Trump and the Trump administration,” Perkins said. “During his speeches he would fuel this, calling (Covid) the Kungflu, calling it the China Virus. He pandered to his base, and I think that led to a lot of the increase in anti-Asian sentiment to the point that we saw a 140 percent increase in violence against the Asian-American community in 2020. I think that’s where a lot of it comes from.”

Jaime McCauley, assistant professor of sociology at CCU and program director of the Social Justice Research Initiative, who was instrumental in organizing the vigil because she felt the need to demonstrate solidarity with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, expressed hope that change can come.

“I would love to see growing awareness across the country culturally about the issues of violence overall,” said McCauley, wearing a black mask emblazoned with the words, “Only Love Can Save Us Now.”

“This rally was a response to a mass shooting that happened a week ago, but now we have another mass shooting of random violence,” she said, referring to the supermarket slayings of 10 victims in Boulder, CO.

“I would like this event,” she said, “to lead to a greater cultural reflection and reckoning with our relationship with violence overall. I think that’s the root that we really need to get at to address these mass shootings – as well as to address the racism. You have one incident that was activated by racism and misogyny and another activated by other issues, and it looks like, unfortunately, that we’re all in danger. We just have a problem with violence in general.”

Looking to the future, the younger generations will be confronted with these issues and must be part of the solution, said Perkins, who explained that the Social Justice Research Initiative tries to increase education and student awareness of the issues and underlying inequalities and injustices so they can “come together and be part of the solution for change, to figure out how they can become involved, to ameliorate many of these issues that we talk about in our classrooms.”

Both were pleased at the turnout for the vigil. “To have this kind of energy among our students, I think is a great thing,” Perkins said. “I find so much hope among young people today. They want to be part of solutions for change. They want to learn about what the issues are, and I have a lot of hope. I have hope for our world because of what I see in these young people today.”

In helping to organize the event, GSAT pointed out that the organization recently called on Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC-7) “to apologize for his use of racist language during the pandemic. We hope that he can agree that as a community, we need to come together and show the local Asian community that we support them. Sadly…there has been another mass shooting in the United States. While we call on Rep. Rice and other elected officials to Stop Asian Hate, we can also remind them that we need gun reform now.”

GSAT was referring to Rice’s Facebook post last June 15 in which he announced that all three members of his household had “the Wuhan Flu,” one of former President Donald Trump’s favorite terms.

During a town hall meeting March 23, Rice made passing reference to the shootings and noted that he voted against two House-passed bills aimed at tightening background checks for gun purchasers. They included one sponsored by Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) to close the “Charleston loophole” that allowed White supremacist Dylann Roof to purchase the weapon he used to gun down nine people praying in a historically Black church.

Rice did explain, however, that he sponsored a very narrow bill that focused only on updating how criminal background information can be provided to those investigating firearms requests. But before he introduced the bill, he checked with the National Rifle Association to make sure it had no objections.

“It is time for all of us to stand against gun violence,” said HCDP Chair Don Kohn. “These latest murders in Atlanta and Boulder just emphasize the importance of enacting sensible legislation to keep dangerous firearms out of the hands of those who would do harm. And they demonstrate the need for Americans of all races to come together and support one another, including members of the Asian-American community. We at HCDP commend CCU and GSAT for sponsoring the vigil and for leading in the fight against violence and hate. We also need representatives in Congress who will represent the voters, not lobbying organizations like the NRA.”

Pictured: Dr. Deborah Perkins of Coastal Carolina University speaks at CCU vigil commemorating those who died in the Georgia Asian spa shootings.


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