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A Proposal for Future Democratic Party Success

Editor’s Note: Dr. Jeremy Holland, a sociology professor at Horry Georgetown Technical College, contends that to achieve long-term success the Democratic Party must become more progressive and aggressively support and embrace the objectives of like-minded organizations, forming, in effect, a grand coalition. He discussed those ideas at the Carolina Forest Democratic Club meeting April 12. During…

Waccamaws Continue Federal Recognition Quest

by Bob Gatty Requirements imposed by the federal government for South Carolina's Waccamaw Indian People to be recognized as an official Indian tribe amount to "documentary genocide," according to Waccamaw Chief Harold Hatcher. Addressing the Carolina Forest Democrats meeting May 14, Hatcher said requirements that the Waccamaws must show unbroken lineage from the first ancient Indian from…

HCDP on the Issues

by Bob Gatty, Director of Communications Horry County Democratic Party has developed a series of “white papers” outlining our position, concerns, and call-to-action on the many issues that affect us all. The papers are available here or by clicking on the “Issues” navigation button above. The papers, developed by an outstanding team of volunteer writers and editors…