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What if Trump Had Won?

Imagine Donald Trump had won the 2020 election. As repugnant as that prospect is, here’s a synopsis of where we would be in an alternate “Trump-won” universe. Trump 2.0 A second Trump Administration, unfettered by any accountability to the American public, accelerates his abhorrent policies. His hubris, lies and ethical shortcomings continue unabated and without recourse.…

President Biden Follows Through on His Commitment to Healthcare For All

By John Bitzegaio and V. Susan Hutchinson On January 28, 2021, President Joe Biden took two actions related to healthcare. By signing the Executive Order on Strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act as well as issuing a Memorandum on Protecting Women’s Health at Home and Abroad, Biden is already following through with his commitment…

President Biden’s “Buy American Act”: An Economic Reboot

By Leslie Kerr Within the first three weeks of his administration, President Joe Biden has signed 25 executive orders, including the “Buy American Act,” which was a key point in Biden’s campaign for the presidency as he promised to bolster American manufacturing. Revitalizing the manufacturing sector, which accounts for approximately 12 percent of the American economy,…