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An American Call to Action – It’s Time to Save Our Democracy

By Don Kohn

The corrupt administration of Donald J Trump has brought our nation to a crossroads and we must all make a decision. If you decide to do nothing, YOU ARE making a decision.

Do we want to maintain our democracy or will we allow Trump to become the tyrant that he espouses to be? The choice is ours.

Are we willing to take a stand and put every ounce of energy into maintaining our democracy? Or are we willing to let the great American democratic experiment become a footnote in history. If you don’t care to act for yourself, think about your children and grandchildren.

Now is the time for all of us to put our sweat and our money behind an effort to overwhelmingly defeat the Republican candidates in 2020; tomorrow will be too late! Our freedom, our health, our safety and our planet depend on what we do.

Here’s How You Can Help

Contact the Horry County Democratic Party (843) 488-4237 or visit


  • Participate in HCDP Precinct Reorganization March 14
  • Participate in the County (March 30) and State (May 30) conventions
  • Participate in HCDP fundraisers
  • Donate
  • Work at the polls on election day as a poll watcher.


  • Run for Office
  • Donate to candidates through websites, in person or by attending their fundraisers
  • Work for the campaigns of candidates

Above all, vote, and get others to register and vote as well. The 2020 election dates are:

  • February 29, Saturday – Democratic Presidential Primary
  • June 9, Tuesday – South Carolina Primary
  • November 3, Tuesday – General Election

So, get involved and do something meaningful. Remember, it’s Time to Take a Stand for Democracy. We can’t rely on others, so don’t sit around and wait. Nothing will happen if you do.

For more information, please contact HCDP at 843-488-4237.

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