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Attacking Our Freedoms: Part Four, Freedom from Fear

On January 6, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt delivered what became known as “The Four Freedoms” speech. It was later illustrated by artist Norman Rockwell in a series of paintings for “The Saturday Evening Post.” In this series, I will be examining the threats to these freedoms as they are attacked by the current administration and Trump’s defiant base. 

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  It is a famous line from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech which was intended to reassure Americans following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was also meant to prepare them for the struggles they would be facing in the war to come.

Nowadays, fear is a constant. We are in fear of losing basic rights, such as freedom of speech and the press. We are in fear of losing vital healthcare and Social Security. We are in fear that the system of checks and balances promised by our Founding Fathers is failing as Congress refuses to challenge an Executive branch run amok. We are in fear of foreign intervention in our cherished electoral process as we once again see uncertainty in our future.

While these fears are real, they are trivial when compared to the fears faced by minorities and others. African-Americans live in fear that a traffic stop might lead to death. Immigrants, fleeing oppression in their own countries, fear being separated from their children as they seek safety in asylum. Jews and Muslims face fear in their houses of worship as gunmen target them for perceived slights. School children face fear as the threat to their schools becomes more and more a frightening reality. Even those who speak out against this administration have to live in fear as rabid supporters make threats and mail pipe bombs.

What is stoking these fears? You have to look no further than a certain Twitter feed.

Despite this administration’s claims, white nationalism is on the rise. One only has to look to Charlottesville to see stark evidence of this. Chanting “Jews will not replace us!” and brandishing tiki torches, this group sought to intimidate those who were protesting a Confederate statue. Despite one of the counter protesters, Heather Heyer, being killed by a white supremacist plowing his car into a crowd, Trump famously defended the attackers, repeatedly declaring that there were “fine people on both sides.”

Shouldn’t Congress be calling him out on his fearful rhetoric?  You would think that would be common sense. Instead, the Republicans who control the Senate, and for the first two years of this administration, the House, cower in fear as they worry their actions could result in a career-ending Tweet. They value their precious jobs over the needs of the citizens they are supposed to represent.

It’s time to stop living in fear. It’s time to take back our country. It’s time to take a stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

CJ Waldron is an adjunct professor at Horry Georgetown Technical College and a contributing Writer for the Horry County Democratic Party where he covers a variety of Democratic issues, news, and commentary. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in his articles are solely his own.
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