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HCDP Launches the Voter Protection Clinic in Conway

Pictured: Sharon Verdu (left) from Voter Protection Committee and Lutie Floyd President of Green Sea (both were speakers at the event).

This week the Horry County Democratic Party officially launched the opening of their Voter Protection Clinic in front of the Voter Registration office in Conway. They chose the date of March 31 as it was the day after the deadline for candidates throughout South Carolina to file to be on the Primary ballot June 14.

The Voter Protection Clinic is a resource for voters to stay up to date on voting regulations, important dates and understanding the pending legislation in Columbia which, if passed, will impact everyone’s right to vote. They provide training on how to cast a ballot, in-person and absentee voting and emphasize that knowing how to properly scan your ballot at the polls means your vote will always count.

The group revealed a quilt with the Voter Protection logo, hand stitched by Voter Protection Committee member Pat Lucksavage of the West Loris precinct. Voter Protection Chair Grace Gifford said “the VPC quilt connects our efforts to the many quilters and stitchers throughout American history, bringing their talents to political discourse.” Pat received a Certificate of Appreciation at the event for her efforts.

Lutie Floyd, President of Green Sea precinct and longtime supporter of HCDP made the following comments at the event.

“Over the centuries, quilts have brought people together (mostly women) expressing political sentiments and acting as secret signals hung out on clotheslines to guide escaping slaves.

When I was a girl in Williamsburg County, I experienced the joy of community coming together to stitch quilts. The smaller children could be under the quilt, ready to push needles and thread back through the fabric. We could hear all the latest gossip and news. At my house, we had a wooden frame that held the quilt tied up to the ceiling. It was dropped down when the quilt was being worked on so it was at lap level.

We salute the quilters of Gee’s Bend in Alabama who turned scraps of used cloth into bold patterns against the greatest of odds. These quilters gained artistic fame for their unique style. They pushed back against the voter suppression tactics that were used to keep them powerless.

The quilt that we reveal today is truly a labor of love and a teaching tool.”

Floyd ended her speech by saying “Review your printed ballot before you put it in the scanner. Don’t let anyone rush you. It’s your right to verify your ballot.”

In order to be eligible to vote in the June 14 primary you must be registered at least 30 days before the election. The HCDP Voter Protection Committee wants all eligible Horry County voters to log on to now and register, check their registration or update their registration information. Any discrepancies between your voter ID and what is on their site may mean you will be turned away on election day.

The Voter Protection Clinic is the best way to stay up to date on voting requirements in South Carolina. Call the HCDP office at (843)488-4237 and leave a message or let our staff know you need help on voting. You can also Contact Us on our website.

V. Susan Hutchinson is the Chair of the Horry County Communications Committee.
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