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Decorated Veteran Calls Out Graham on Impeachment

Harold D. Hatcher, of Conway, a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War, is calling on Sen. Lindsey Graham to stop being “a puppy” for President Trump and “support the Constitution.”

Hatcher shared with us the following letter to Sen. Graham in connection with his defense of Trump during the impeachment process:


CWO3 Harold D. Hatcher

United States Army Retired


December 16, 2019


Senator Lindsley Graham

290 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Senator Graham:

I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican; I don’t know if President Trump should be impeached or removed, but during my 20 years of Army Service, I tried to be what I thought was honorable and proper. I retired with a Bronze Star, A Purple Heart, and A Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, among 22 other medals and citations.

I took my oath seriously and I still stand by it. In that oath, I swore to protect the constitution of this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. You did as well. I have little respect for what you said on national television: “I won’t pretend to be an impartial jurist”.

How is it proper for the defendant in a case to coordinate with the jury and the jury to avow the defendant’s innocence before the first witness is even called?

With jurists like that, our prisons would be empty and there would be no enforcement of law. Criminals would simply tell the jury foreman what they want, and the jury would comply. Crime would be rampant. That’s what you and Sen. McConnell are doing to us, your electors.

My donations to your campaigns have stopped. I want and demand a senator who stands up for the country, not a political party. The party is not important! The president deserves justice but so do we, the people. If he is guilty of harming this country, why would you, without hearing the evidence, avow your support?

The president is not the constitution nor the country! Stand up as you pledged to do. Your job is to represent me, and the people of South Carolina, not blindly be a puppy for the President.

If you cannot support the Constitution, you need to get out of the business, and I’m going to do my best to help you. I’ll use whatever influence I have to open the eyes of every South Carolinian and ask them to remove the term “Honorable” from in front of your name.

I will be sending this letter to as many media outlets as will accept it.


Harold Hatcher

Conway, SC

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