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Run For Office

We need to elect more Democrats in South Carolina – especially in Horry County!

The majority of Horry County residents are diligent individuals deeply invested in their families and communities. The Horry County Democratic Party is committed to endorsing representatives who will champion their principles: affordable healthcare access, safeguarding voting rights, promoting equal rights, advocating for women’s rights, securing jobs with livable wages, and ensuring clean air and water for our children and future generations.


Partisan Elections

Serving on local Boards, Committees and Commissions is an excellent way to gain valuable experience, build a network, learn more about the community, and have a direct impact on a variety of local issues affecting daily life. For example, citizen volunteers in Horry County help guide decisions related to planning & zoning, parks & recreation, public libraries, museums & gardens, solid waste & stormwater management, and much more.

These are Appointed Positions, and often it is a competitive process.

For many individuals, this can be a first step towards eventually running for office.

Non-Partisan Elections

Most local elections are non-partisan, but they are no less important to Democratic voters. HCDP encourages citizens to closely follow city and town elections to learn about candidates’ views and past records, in order to make an informed choice on Election Day.

Municipal Elections (Mayor and City/Town Councils)
Atlantic Beach, Aynor, Briarcliffe Acres, Conway, Loris, Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach

Horry County Watershed Conservation Districts
Buck Creek, Crabtree, Gapway, Simpson Creek, Todd Swamp

Appointed Positions

Serving on local Boards, Committees and Commissions is an excellent way to gain valuable experience, build a network, learn more about the community, and have a direct impact on a variety of local issues affecting daily life. For example, citizen volunteers in Horry County help guide decisions related to planning & zoning, parks & recreation, public libraries, museums & gardens, solid waste & stormwater management, and much more.

These are Appointed Positions, and often it is a competitive process.

For many individuals, this can be a first step towards eventually running for office.

Horry County

City of Myrtle Beach

City Of Conway

Town of Surfside Beach