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Gun Sense: Remember Victims at Dec. 17 Vigil in Conway; Miss Sloane in Theaters

A candlelight memorial vigil for victims of gun violence will be held Saturday, December 17 at 5:30 pm at the Old Horry County Courthouse on Third Avenue in downtown Conway. The event is organized by SC Mothers Against Violence, Inc., partners to the Horry Democrats Gun Sense committee. President Rev. Elizabeth Bowens will lead with prayer as we remember those who have died by gun violence. Bring candles and signs.

December 17 is also the deadline for contributions to the 5th annual holiday drive sponsored by SC Mothers Against Violence to collect toys, fruit and clothing items for siblings of gun violence victims. Please bring items to the vigil, or send a check to PO Box 30175, Myrtle Beach SC 29588. SC Mothers Against Violence is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Contributions and donations are welcome all year.

Gun Sense advocates are urged to get to local movie theaters to see the film Miss Sloane. A political thriller directed by John Madden, it stars Jessica Chastain in a highly-acclaimed role as a gun lobbyist in DC. Our Gun Sense Charleston friends report that it is a pretty intense movie and encourage us to “vote with our feet and grab a seat“. Turnout is being watched so it is important to show that this issue has traction!

The film will be the topic for the Gun Sense committee’s next meeting on January 10, and serve as a basis for letters to the editor.

To learn more about the Horry Democrats Gun Sense committee, contact

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