By Rick Patelunas.
South Carolina’s Seventh Congressional District incumbent Tom Rice’s opinion is that federal workers should have more skin in the game. He says their pay should be tied to the performance of the nation’s economy. The congressman is elected, but he’s still a federal employee. What if his performance is tied to District 7’s economy?
Rice’s website says jobs are his number one priority. After two terms in office, the July 2016 unemployment rate in all eight District 7 counties exceeds the national unemployment rate. Additionally, seven counties exceed the statewide unemployment rate, with Horry County at the statewide rate.
Marion and Marlboro counties still have two of the top five unemployment rates in the state.
If, as he says, jobs are Rice’s number one priority, District 7 unemployment is too high. Nevertheless, Rice will receive his federal paycheck. Another term in the U.S. Congress though, demands a better performance.
Voters in the 7th CD have a choice on November 8. Vote for Mal Hyman.