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Horry County Democratic Party (HCDP) Resolutions Process for 2022

Due to ongoing health concerns with COVID-19, the South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP) has released an Emergency Declaration Regarding Precinct Reorganization and County Conventions. This declaration describes how counties throughout South Carolina can conduct these two meetings.

The HCDP officers and State Executive Committee representatives, per the Emergency Declaration, have determined there will only be contactless Precinct Reorganization and Horry County Convention for 2022.

An important activity at Precinct Reorganization is the submission of Resolutions. HCDP would like everyone’s voice to be heard. Resolutions Proposals are a way for Democratic Voters to shed light on issues important to them at the Horry County and South Carolina State levels and express their ideas on how to potentially resolve them.

Traditionally, Resolutions Proposals are drafted, approved and submitted by each precinct at Precinct Reorganization. As there will be no Precinct Reorganization this year to allow precincts to perform the activity of reviewing Resolutions as a group, they can be submitted directly to HCDP without precinct-wide review.

The 2022 HCDP Resolutions Proposal form is now available and can be downloaded by clicking this link. Hard copies are also available at the HCDP office 311c Beaty St, Conway. The form must be received by HCDP on or before March 5, 2022. Any Resolutions Proposals received after this date may not be considered for 2022.

This document describes how to complete and submit a Resolutions Proposal form.

The Resolutions Process

The HCDP Resolutions Chair is responsible for putting all proposals into the proper SCDP format prior to the HCDP County Convention. These Resolutions Proposals are then made available to delegates at the HCDP County Convention to vote for approval or rejection. The HCDP County Convention is March 19, 2022.

Approved Resolutions with only a Horry County impact will have the appropriate actions taken by HCDP. Resolutions with potential state-wide impact will be submitted to SCDP by the HCDP Resolutions Chair and will then be considered by delegates to the 2022 SCDP State Convention.

Check Before Submitting a Resolutions Proposal

If your proposal is Horry County related only, complete and submit the form as per the instructions below.

If your proposal has a potential state-wide impact, please verify your proposal has not previously been approved at the state level. Go to the SCDP website and review the Platform and Resolutions Committee Reports for all available years before submitting your proposal. Complete the Resolutions Proposal form and submit it only if you do not find one similar to your proposal on any of the SCDP reports. SCDP will not introduce any proposals for consideration at State Convention if they are redundant.

Completing the Resolutions Proposal Form

The HCDP Resolutions Proposal form is intended to easily capture all required information. The proposal must be legible with clear wording. Submitters may be contacted for clarification if needed.

Submitters must complete a separate form for each proposal.

General Information

The submitter must provide demographic information including name, phone, email and precinct name.

There is a list of categories that the proposed resolution may fall under. The categories are: Climate Change, Flooding/Hurricane, Infrastructure, County Government, City Government (make sure the City is named in the proposal), Schools (indicate school district or school name if not a general education issue), Gun Sense, Voter Protection/Rights, Zero Waste, Equal Rights, Worker Rights and Other.

The submitter must indicate the category for their proposal. Examples are: Infrastructure (e.g. fix my road) and Flooding/Hurricane (e.g. here’s what we should do to address flooding in my community).

With the current atmosphere sweeping across the country, there may be hot issues you would like addressed at the county and/or state level. Use best judgement when indicating the category for any of your proposals and if unsure, select Other.

Details of the Resolution

Submitters must provide a brief description of what they are proposing in the Proposed Resolution section using no more than 3 lines. Be sure to include specifics, such as name of roads for repair or cities/schools affected.

The section entitled Why Is This Important, What Is the Objective? provides more details of the resolution, such as current community impact of the issue and/or links to any website to support your arguments for the change or improvement. Submitters who feel their proposal is worthy of state-wide consideration please state it in this section. Any HCDP Clubs or Committees who support the proposal can be listed here. This section is limited to 4 lines.

The last section, Describe The Expected Outcome, If Approved, gives the submitter a chance to make suggestions for improvement and how the proposed action can positively affect the community, county and/or state. This section will add more weight to the proposal if the submitter has data or published studies/opinions to support their argument.

Submitting a Resolutions Proposal

Completed HCDP Resolutions Proposals can be submitted in one of 3 ways on or before March 5:

  • Drop-off at HCDP office 311c Beaty St, Conway
  • Mail to HCDP at P.O. Box 51522, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Attention: Resolutions Form
  • Emailed to HCDP Resolutions and Platform Chair Carole Dwyer at

Additional Information

If you have any questions on how to complete a Resolutions Proposal form, Contact HCDP, call the HCDP Office at (843)488-4237, or stop by the office at 311c Beaty St, Conway 29526.

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