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The November 2020 General Election: Registration and Election Day Voting

By Steve Hamelman, et al. If you’re reading this, you’re probably a Democrat. If you’re a Democrat, you’d like to see the defeat, through fair elections, of President Donald Trump, Senator Lindsay Graham, Rep. Tom Rice and other Republicans responsible for nearly four years of bad “leadership.” For this defeat to happen, you have to vote. And to…

Pass the Donnie

How do you feel about defeating Donald Trump? What would you do to him if you could? Show us! For $25, take #DonnieBoy home for 24 hours and have at it. Shoot a video of whatever you do then send it to HCDP at We’ll include it in a video to post on YouTube and social media. You’ll be famous! And…

Honoring Juneteenth

By Brandon Counts According to some media outlets, President Donald Trump is seeking credit for making Juneteenth “very famous.” But Juneteenth is bigger than the man in the White House. It’s a day commemorating the end of slavery in America. But wait, wasn’t the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order issued by then-President Abraham Lincoln on…