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On the Radio and Campaign Trail with Robin Gause, District 4

Robin Gause is not just the Democratic candidate for Horry County Council District 4. She is also the only candidate who will represent the perspective and concerns of women on the all-male council.

Tune in to Hot Talk 99.5 WRNN radio on Friday, 10/28 at 7:20 am to hear Robin’s interview with morning show host Liz Galloway.

Robin GauseHer campaign slogan Her Voice, Our Choice makes it clear: District 4 voters have the chance to elect a new representative who will put women and families first.

Robin’s top public safety priority is to protect women and their families from domestic violence, human trafficking, and drug abuse – each a serious problem where Horry County ranks at or near the top in South Carolina. She will advocate for expanded education and prevention programs in schools and the community, as well as for new or improved services for domestic violence victims and drug addicts and their families (read Robin’s full platform here).

She is deeply concerned by the flooding and damage from Hurricane Matthew in District 4 and across Horry County. She will visit the FEMA offices in Socastee (opening 10/27 at Socastee Baptist Church) and Burgess (opening next week at Burgess Community Center) to learn about assistance for District 4 residents and how she can help.

Robin reports that people approach her in grocery stores, utility offices and elsewhere around the county to thank her for running and pledge their support. The magnetic campaign signs on her car generate waves and “thumbs up” from other drivers. Local voters reached at home during door-to-door canvassing are expressing positive support.

Volunteers can join Robin to canvass voters in the Burgess and Marlowe precincts on Saturday, 10/29 from 10 am – 2 pm. Later that day at 7 pm, Robin will greet parents and kids at the “Trick or Treat” event at Burgess Community Center, 10299 SC-707, Myrtle Beach, SC 29588.

To join Robin’s canvassing team this weekend, call her cell 803-450-3144 or send her an email.

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