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President Biden Follows Through on His Commitment to Healthcare For All

By John Bitzegaio and V. Susan Hutchinson On January 28, 2021, President Joe Biden took two actions related to healthcare. By signing the Executive Order on Strengthening Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act as well as issuing a Memorandum on Protecting Women’s Health at Home and Abroad, Biden is already following through with his commitment…

HCDP Applauds Trump Impeachment; Hopes for Nation to Heal

Above Photo: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signs article of impeachment against President Trump. By Bob Gatty With the impeachment of President Donald Trump by the House of Representatives that included support from 10 Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Tom Rice (SC-7), HCDP Chair Don Kohn expressed the hope today that the nation can begin to heal the…
HCDP SHORE Dinner 2019

Register Now for the 8th Annual SHORE Fundraising Dinner Set for Sept. 28

The eighth annual SHORE Dinner, one of HCDP’s major fundraising events of the year, will be held Saturday, September 28, 6-10 p.m., at the Bay Watch Resort and Conference Center, overlooking the ocean, in North Myrtle Beach. The theme is Take a Stand for Democracy. “This year’s SHORE Dinner, which celebrates and honors all those who…