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2018 Midterm Elections: Thanks for your support!

Thank you to everyone who worked so tirelessly for the party and for Democratic candidates. You devoted months of work in the lead up to the election and you worked and devoted your time on election day. While casting your ballot for our Democratic candidates, you also encouraged your family and friends to do the same.

While the results were not what we hoped for, we increased the total number of votes for governor by more than 18,000 (95% increase) over the 2014 midterm election. That is a giant step in the right direction and an indication that our message has been heard. We have taken the first step in the change we all want for Horry County.

Please take some time to decompress; then let’s start working together to make our voices stronger and the Democratic presence really felt in Horry County. That way we can insure we really have an impact in the next election.

Don Kohn, Chairman
Horry County Democratic Party

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