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HCDP Committees

Looking for more ways to get involved with the Horry Democratic Party?

Contact the Committee Contact to request the meeting location, dates and times. You must be an HCDP Volunteer to Join a Committee.

Candidate Committee

Encouraging and Helping People Run for Local Office

To recruit, train and support Democratic candidates for EVERY office in Horry County as well as recruitment to fill positions on local boards and commissions.

Communications Committee

Responsible for Party Messaging


Manages content/design and regularly publishes important information and articles.

Writing Team

Drafts content for website articles, video scripts, Social Media, flyers and other written content as needed.


Shoots videos and stills at HCDP and other local events; edits videos for final release on social media and YouTube.


Compiles important updates and distributes weekly.


Drafts and communicates Press Releases.

Advertising and Marketing

Creates required designs and content for all HCDP advertising and marketing initiatives and events.

Contact Chris Gingrich (Interim)

Fundraising Committee

Raising Money For HCDP

Our Democratic engine, that drives all that we do, is HCDP. The Fundraising Committee supplies the “fuel” to keep that engine moving and on the road to many successes!

Contact Barbara Hake

Gun Sense Action Committee

Advocating for Community Safety

We work to reduce gun violence and deaths in our communities. We strongly advocate for the passage of Univeral Background Checks, Red Flag Laws and encourage weapon owners to secure all weapons and ammunition.

Contact Henry Garbelman

HCDP Executive Committee

Precint EC’s Coming Together

Executive Committee members, elected every other year from across all the Horry County precincts, come together quarterly for discussion and updates. The EC committee approves all HCDP initiatives, especially those requiring a budget.

Who Can Attend?

Elected Executve Committee Members, EC Alternates and Precinct Presidents, HCDP Officers, Volunteers and Guests.

When & Where

 Quarterly on the Second Monday of the Month at 6pm
Horry County Government and Justice Center
1301 2nd Ave, Conway, SC

To Attend as a Guest, Contact the HCDP Office at (843)488-4237

Poll Watching/Voter Protection Committee

Keeping Horry County Voters Informed

We are charged with the education of Horry County Voters to navigate the procedures for completing and submitting their ballots, monitoring the voting process for the protection of every vote, and staffing of the Voter Protection Clinic.

Contact the HCDP Office at (843)488-4237

Volunteer Committee

Looking for People to Help

To recruit and interview prospective volunteers who wish to assist HCDP in promoting Democratic values and electing candidates. We match volunteer interests and skills with the appropriate committees, staffing needs, and initiatives.

Contact Nancy Anderson

Voter Committee

Engaging Voters in Horry County

We provide support, as well as conducting and coordinating activities related to getting out the vote in Horry County. This includes Voter Registration, Phone Banking, and Canvassing.

Mike Leonard
Phone Banking

Chris Copeland