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Actor Jeffrey Wright to Keynote SCDP Dinner on Fri. Sept. 30

Noted actor Jeffrey Wright will deliver the keynote address at the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Friday, September 30. The dinner kicks off the annual Democratic Weekend in Columbia.

jeffrey-wrightWright will describe why he is supporting Democrats up and down the ballot in 2016. Throughout his illustrious career, he has been highly-regarded for his skilled portrayal of diverse characters, helping audiences to gain insight to see the humanity in one another.

“Our politics must translate this insight into action that advances our society,” says Christale Spain, executive director of SCDP. “Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, and the rest of our Democratic candidates are up to this challenge, while Donald Trump and his Republican followers seek to turn us against one another. South Carolina Dems look forward to hearing Jeffrey Wright draw upon his experience to lay out the choices facing us on November 8.”

Wright has appeared in films such as The Hunger Games (Parts 1 and 2), Basquiat, Syriana, The Ides of March, The Manchurian Candidate, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close; television series and movies such as Angels in America, Boardwalk Empire, Boycott, and Confirmation; and Broadway and off-Broadway productions such as Angels in America, Topdog/Underdog, and A Free Man of Color. He is a winner of Tony, AFI, Emmy, and Golden Globe Awards. Wright is also the founder and Vice Chairman of Taia Lion Resources, a mineral exploration company currently operating in Sierra Leone, and co-founder and Chairman of Taia Peace Foundation, Taia Lion Resources’ not-for-profit social development arm, which focuses on building a replicable model for extractives that focuses equally on mineral rights and human rights.

The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner takes place on Friday, September 30 at 7:00 pm at the Columbia Convention Center. It will be followed on Saturday, October 1 by the Spratt Issues Conference. The theme for the Democratic Weekend is “A New Southern Strategy: Building A State That Works For Everyone.”

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