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Candidates: It’s Time to Step Up

If you’ve been thinking about running for public office, there are plenty of opportunities in this year’s mid-term elections. The filing period to toss your hat in the ring runs from Wednesday, March 16 until Noon on Wednesday, March 30.

The South Carolina primary elections will take place on June 14, with the general election on November 8.

“There is a need for qualified Democrats candidates to run for office in the 2022 election cycle,” said Alester Linton-Pryor, Chair of the Horry County Democratic Party.

“We need visionaries who want to see changes in Horry County that benefit our families and our communities.

“There is a critical need for candidates who support affordable housing, affordable health care, affordable child care, a living wage, LBGTQ+ rights, equity, equality, the unsuppressed right to vote, women’s right to choose… candidates who empower their electorate, not hinder progress,” she said.

Potential candidates can find information about filing fees for each office, qualifications for each office, and additional reference material here.

Additional reference material can be found here.

Statewide office that are on the ballot are:

  • Governor/Lt. Governor
  • Secretary of StateState Treasurer
  • Comptroller General
  • State Supt. of Education
  • Attorney General
  • Commissioner of Agriculture
  • US Senate, currently held by Republican Tim Scott

In addition, these regional and local offices also are on the ballot:

  • US House District 7, currently held by Republican Tom Rice
  • State House Districts 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 68, 103, 104, 105, 106 and 107
  • Solicitor
  • Probate Judge
  • County Council Chair
  • County Council Districts 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, and 11
  • Board of Education Chair
  • Board of Education Districts 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10
  • Soil & Water Commission (2 seats)
  • Watershed Districts – Buck Creek, Crabtree, Gapway Swamp, Todd Swamp & Simpson Creek

“If you’re thinking of running for office or you know someone who you feel would be a great candidate, it’s time to step forward,” said Linton-Pryor. “Fill out this candidate toolkit!  Remember to share the form with your friends and family.”

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