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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Stroll to the Polls with HCDP


Contact: Voter Protection Committee –

Phone: (843)488-4237

Location: Starts at HCDP Office 311-C Beaty Street

VOTE EARLY: Stroll to the Polls with HCDP

Early Voters for municipal elections around Horry County will be joined by supporters to Stroll to the Polls Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 12 noon, starting at the HCDP Office, 311-C Beaty St., Conway.

There is a tradition of walking to the polls as a group practiced by members of Black sororities. Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently visited the College of Charleston on her “Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour” is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha.

Horry County Democrats will walk to the Voter Registration and Election office to recognize the accomplishments of the Vice President and other members of the “Devine Nine” sororities and fraternities.

“Like VP Harris, others are dedicating their lives to community service, scholarship, political advocacy and action including voting. Local elections, often decided by just a few votes are critical in determining our freedoms and quality of life,” said Grace Gifford, chair of the HCDP Voter Protection Committee.

Democrats will walk from the HCDP office to the Horry County Voter Registration Office located at 1515 4th Avenue in Conway, the only early voting site for the upcoming Nov. 7th Election despite the large size of Horry County.

After gathering at the HCDP office, strollers will enjoy a three-block walk for a short rally as those who can vote in the municipal elections enter the building to vote.

HCDP encourages everyone to VOTE EARLY.

The hours of operation for early voting are 8:30am to 5:00pm. Dates are October 23rd- Nov. 3rd (weekdays) with no weekend hours. On Nov. 7th, local precinct polls will be open 7:00am- 7:00pm.

Voters should check and update their voter registration on line at under the “Check my voter registration” tab.

If you need help accessing this site or need a printed ballot, the Voter Protection Committee can help. Call (843)488-4237 or visit at the HCDP office. We encourage all voters in the following cities/towns to turn out and vote:

  • Atlantic Beach
  • Aynor
  • Briarcliffe Acres
  • Conway
  • Loris
  • Myrtle Beach
  • North Myrtle Beach
  • Surfside Beach

For more information about this event or voting in this Election, call the Horry Democratic Party office at (843)488-4237 or Contact Us.

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