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‘For the People’ Agenda Launched by Dems in Congress

By Don Kohn.

Thursday, January 3rd was a historic day in Washington, DC as the new Democratic House of Representatives was officially seated and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) promised to pursue our party’s “For the People” agenda.

Of course, before any action on substantive legislation can move forward, a solution must be found to the #TrumpShutdown, and the new Democratic House immediately embarked on passing legislation to achieve that.

At some point, the government agencies closed by President Trump, held hostage in his battle for funding for his ridiculous wall, will open and more than 800,000 federal employees will go back to work. And when that happens, Democrats will have played a major deciding role.

“We will debate and advance good ideas no matter where they come from – and in that spirit, Democrats will be offering the Senate Republican appropriations legislation to re-open government later today – to meet the needs of the American people, and to protect our borders,” Pelosi said.

But in the meantime, Speaker Pelosi’s address to the new Congress, which is now more diverse than any in history, was one of hope, inclusiveness and positive action. That, I hope, will be our party’s approach in the months ahead, although there certainly will be challenges and roadblocks from Trump and his Republican supporters.

Pelosi said Democrats must be “pioneers of the future” and “accelerate a future that advances America’s preeminence in the world” by improving public education and workforce development. She called climate change “a crisis manifested in natural disasters of epic proportions,” signaling a direct challenge toTrump and his fellow climate change deniers within his party and administration.

“This is a public health decision for clean air and clean water; an economic decision for America’s global preeminence in green technology; a security decision to keep us safe; and a moral decision to be good stewards of God’s creation,” Pelosi said.

She said Democrats would move forward on legislation to strengthen background checks for those who purchase firearms, to enact legislation to improve the nation’s infrastructure, tackle ethics reform, reduce healthcare costs and protect those with pre-existing conditions.

Looming over Trump, of course, is the Russia investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller III, and the potential outcome that could jeopardize his presidency. We look forward to that investigation’s conclusions.

Trump can also expect Democrats to launch their own investigations to his misdeeds, and those of his family members and businesses. The result of all of this could lead to impeachment proceedings.

However, it is my view that America would be far better off if we can get rid of this corrupt administration at the polls, thus also ridding us of Vice President Pence, who would be Trump’s successor should he be impeached while avoiding further divisions in our nation

In Horry County, You Have the Power

Against all of these developments in Washington will be our efforts, locally, to field the best possible candidates in 2020 and do our very best to turn back the red tide that has overtaken Horry County for the past many years.

Given this backdrop of national politics and Trump vulnerabilities, combined with an influx of new voters in Horry County and new vigor within our own party, we have a real opportunity to make significant gains in the years ahead.

If you are not currently involved in this revolution, I invite you to join our effort. Our team of volunteers continues to grow as record numbers of new voters decide to actively participate. Please join them. You are welcome.

If you have thought about running for office and think that your time might be now, please let us know. There is plenty of opportunity, from local offices to those at the county and state levels, and even in the U.S. Congress.

We are working now to develop plans for candidate recruitment and training, so it would be great for you to get in on the ground floor. In fact, if you are interested in becoming a candidate, regardless of the office, please contact me at or call (843)488-4237.

Meanwhile, please sign up for our weekly e-newsletter to stay informed, and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at @HorryDemocrats and Instagram.

Let’s all work together to Turn Horry County Blue. Remember, you have the power. Let’s use it.

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