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HCDP Chair Predicts Dems Can Win SC in 2020

HCDP Chair Don Kohn expressed optimism Sunday that Democrats can carry South Carolina in the 2020 election, despite the advantages Republicans have held here for years.

Appearing on WPDE-TV’s Carolina This Week with Trey Paul program, Kohn was asked if carrying the state was really possible. “It’s going to be tough, but it’s doable,” said Kohn. “We have to educate voters about what the Democratic Party is really about, and then get out the vote.”

Paul asked Kohn if the Democrats have a candidate, or candidates, who could defeat President Trump in 2020.

“Yes, we have candidates who could beat Trump,” Kohn said, although he stressed that until the primary election, HCDP will not endorse any specific Democratic candidate. HCDP’s policy is to provide as much information as possible about all candidates.

HCDP has embarked on an intensive voter registration initiative that will continue through 2020, Kohn said, and then will cap that with a grassroots campaign to get those voters to the polls on election day.

Meanwhile, Kohn noted, HCDP has launched its “Take a Stand” marketing campaign, which is being used in conjunction with key issues and promoted via its various outreach mechanisms, including the website, social media platforms, and the weekly e-newsletter.

Paul asked Kohn to outline some of those key issues.

“Equality, everybody needs to be treated fairly, including African Americans, Latinos, and LGBT,” replied Kohn. “Education, better paying jobs with benefits, healthcare.”

On Socialism, Abortion

Paul then asked Kohn how he would respond to a viewer’s comment via Facebook that the Democratic party is embracing “socialism.”

“The Democratic Party is a big tent party; we listen to everybody,” Kohn replied. “Our values involve equality for all people, fiscal responsibility, protecting Social Security and Medicare. We believe people have a right to healthcare and education. We are working to make a difference.”

Paul relayed another viewer’s question via Facebook about the Democrats’ position on abortion.

“We should all agree on prevention,” said Kohn, noting that birth control and sex education are essential and could “drastically reduce the number of potential abortions.” He said if the high number of teenage pregnancies in South Carolina could be reduced, the demand for abortions would be lessened.

“The Democratic Party is pro-woman,” said Kohn. “Laws to restrict abortions will not end abortions. They existed before Roe v. Wade; they just were unsafe. It is unconscionable that the government could force anyone to make such a decision about their own bodies.”

He pointed out that conservatives have always resisted governmental interference in individuals’ lives. Yet, he said, their position on abortion is to “put the full weight of the government against women.”

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