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HCDP SHORE Celebration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 4th Annual SHORE Celebration on Sunday, November 22, brought together Democrats from across Horry County to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.

Guest speakers – all well-known local residents – shared reflections on personal and family experiences in the years before and after passage of the VRA in 1965. They included Mrs. Ernestine Allen, Mrs. “Mother” Mary Moore and her daughter Rev. Cheryl Adamson, and Rev. Dr. Charles Pee.

Keynote speaker Representative Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-MO-5) gave a rousing speech that brought cheering guests to their feet as he urged Democrats to press forward with protection and expansion of voting rights and to be ever-mindful of racism in all its forms. Rep. Cleaver also offered his endorsement of Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The True Vine Missionary Baptist Church Choir of Conway performed gospel hymns and patriotic songs, and DJ Ron Roberts provided the program’s musical entertainment.

Special guests included Jimmy Washington, Democratic candidate for Horry County Council District 3 in the December 22 special election; Susan Smith, president of the SC Democratic Women’s Council; Jennifer Cangeme and Jason Bittigar, winners of the new Clyburn Political Fellowships; and Katie Hill and Sage Short, founders of the new Carolina Forest High School Democratic Club.

HCDP Chair Joan Furlong expressed her gratitude to SHORE Celebration Co-Chairs Barbara Hake and Cedric Blain-Spain, and to the SHORE committee members Jim Henderson, Rosemary Wolfe, MaryEllen Greene, Saundra Carson, and Nancy Anderson for dedicating months of effort to create this highly successful event.

Special thanks were given to all SHORE Celebration Sponsors and Host Tables: Elliott Realty, South Carolina Democratic Party, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority – Mu lota Omega Chapter, Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County, NC & SC United Auto Workers CAP Council, Mike Chestnut & Big Mike’s Soul Food, Dem Dogs Rigby & Riley, Carlottia Scott, Billy Holliday & Family, South Enders Democratic Club, Westside Democrats, and the Young Democrats.

The sold-out luncheon was held at the Ocean Creek Resort in Myrtle Beach and included a Silent Auction of fun and practical gift items.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed. It was a warm and thoughtful celebration and we look forward to planning more in the future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_media_grid style=”lazy” items_per_page=”8″ element_width=”3″ grid_id=”vc_gid:1449017185920-76f408b0-fc5a-0″ include=”7855,7853,7845,7852,7850,7849,7848,7847,7851,7846,7844,7843,7842,7841,7840,7839,7838,7854,7837,7836,7835,7834,7833,7832,7822,7831,7830,7829,7828,7827,7826,7825,7824,7823,7821,7820,7819,7818,7817,7816″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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