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Horry County Democratic Party (HCDP) Resolutions Proposals

By V. Susan Hutchinson

An important activity at the Horry County Democratic Party (HCDP) Precinct Reorganization is the consideration of Resolutions, which are proposals for Party changes or improvements at the local or state level.

Anyone can submit an HCDP Resolutions Proposal at any time; however, they can only be approved at an HCDP Precinct Reorganization, which occurs during election years with the guidance of the South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP).

In an effort to give people more time to provide details to support their proposal, a revised HCDP Resolutions Proposal form is now available on the HCDP website for download. Forms can be completed and submitted prior to the 2020 HCDP Precinct Reorganization meeting on March 14, 2020.

Here’s how to complete and submit an HCDP Resolutions Proposal for precinct approval and info about what happens after it is submitted at HCDP Precinct Reorganization.

The 2020 Revised Resolutions Form

The newly revised HCDP Resolution Proposal is intended to easily capture important information about the submitter’s proposal so it can be properly presented at County and, possibly, State Conventions for further consideration.

The information submitted on the HCDP Resolutions Proposal form will be transferred to the official SCDP Resolutions Form before submission at the state level.

The proposal must be legible and clear to be easily understood when reviewed for approval by precinct, HCDP County delegates and, potentially, South Carolina State delegates. Submitters must complete a separate form for each proposal submitted.

General Information

The submitter must provide demographic information including name, phone, email and precinct name.

There is a list of categories that the proposed resolution may fall under. The categories are: Climate Change, Flooding/Hurricane, Infrastructure, County Government, City Government (make sure the City is named in the proposal), Schools (indicate school district or school name if not a general education issue), Gun Sense, Voter Protection/Rights, Zero Waste, Equal Rights, Worker Rights and Other.

The submitter should indicate the category for their proposal. Examples are: Infrastructure (e.g. fix my road), Flooding/Hurricane (e.g. stop building new homes that cause more flooding), Schools (e.g. list of ways to help children learn better).

Details of the Resolution

Submitters must provide a brief description of what they are proposing in the Proposed Resolution section using no more than 3 lines. Be sure to include specifics, such as name of roads for repair or cities/schools affected.

The section entitled Why Is This Important, What Is the Objective gives more details of the resolution, such as current community impact of the issue to be resolved and/or links to any website to support your arguments for the change or improvement. This section is limited to 4 lines. Any HCDP Clubs or Committees who support the proposal can be listed in this section.

The last section, Describe The Expected Outcome, If Approved, gives the submitter a chance to make suggestions for improvement and how the proposed action can positively affect the community, county or state. This section will add more weight to the proposal if the submitter has data or published studies/opinions to support their argument for the change.

Submission and Next Steps

Completed HCDP Resolution Proposals can be submitted in one of 3 ways prior to the 2020 HCDP Precinct Reorganization:

  • Drop-off at HCDP office 311c Beaty St, Conway
  • Mail to HCDP at P.O. Box 51522, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Attention: Resolutions Form
  • Emailed to HCDP Resolutions and Platform Chair Carole Dwyer at

The deadline for early submissions is March 7.

Completed proposal forms can also be brought to HCDP Precinct Reorganization on March 14. Blank HCDP Resolutions Proposal forms, as well as any completed early submissions from members of the precinct, will be available in precinct packets on the meeting day.

Once a completed Resolutions Proposal is submitted at precinct reorganization, it will be approved or rejected by the submitter’s precinct. Approved resolutions are then enclosed in the returned precinct packet and will be presented for approval at the HCDP County Convention where they are reviewed and, potentially, approved for further action. See A Guide to HCDP Precinct Reorganization for more information on precinct packets. See The 2020 Horry County and South Carolina State Conventions for information on county, state and national conventions.

Resolutions with only a Horry County impact will have the appropriate actions taken by HCDP. Resolutions that may have an impact outside of Horry County will then be transferred to the SCDP Resolutions Form for submission at the South Carolina State Convention where delegates across the state vote on whether to approve or reject it. The SC convention is May 30 this year.

Additional Information

If you have any questions on how to complete a Resolutions Proposal, contact HCDP at 843-488-4237 or stop by the office at 311c Beaty St, Conway 29526.

Click here to download a copy of the HCDP Resolutions Proposal form.

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