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Make a Recurring Contribution to HCDP Starting Today!

As we welcome 2017, we are confronted with new and challenging realities. Republicans now control the U.S. House, the Senate, and the Office of the President. Instead of turning South Carolina blue, we watched in dismay as traditionally blue states turned red, and in Horry County we failed to win any elections where we competed.

Rather than give in to despair, we know that we must continue to reach out to like-minded individuals, and fight efforts to curtail the freedoms and rights which are guaranteed in our Constitution. In 2016 the Horry County Democratic Party made significant strides in identifying and engaging new people through social networking, community outreach, public events and club activities. We are continuing voter protection efforts, speaking out about racial disparities, addressing the need for sensible gun legislation and the importance of closing the Charleston Loophole. In 2017 we will work to bring awareness, compassion, and community strategies to address addiction issues. We will work to keep our activists and the public informed about the new administration’s plans.

We will continue to be visible in our communities by participating in festivals, parades, and vigils, and by offering educational forums. We will do our best to provide rapid response options for those who need information in order to take action.

This ambitious agenda requires each of us to contribute our time, our talents, and our financial resources. The HCDP annual fundraising appeal typically begins each January. This year we are inaugurating a new opportunity for local Democrats to support the continued growth of our party.

Democrats are Growing: Open the Door!

This campaign of endearment nurtures our Democratic values by helping to sustain our growth and “Open the Door!” to new initiatives. Right now you have the option to make a recurring donation of any amount. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you!

Bennie Swans, HCDP Chair

Both one-time and recurring contributions may be made by mail:

Send check payable to HCDP to:
Horry County Democratic Party
P. O. Box 51522
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579

or Credit Card:

Click on the donkey to make your contribution through Act Blue and the HCDP “Open the Door!” campaign.

Questions? Call HCDP at 843-488-4237, or email info@horrydemocrats.org

Get involved and sign on to volunteer with HCDP today!

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