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Myrtle Beach Student Wins Democratic Women’s Annual Essay Contest

Lauren Schexnayder,  a new graduate of Myrtle Beach High School, wrote the prize-winning essay in the annual scholarship contest sponsored by the Democratic Women’s Council of Horry County.  At its monthly meeting on Thursday, DWCHC officers and members celebrated Ms. Schexnayder and presented her with the $1,000 award.

Pictured above are Sally P. Howard, Treasurer; Ms. Schexnayder; Pam Heller, President; and Dora Graham, 2nd VP.

Ms. Schexnayder is a 2016 graduate of Myrtle Beach High School. She will enroll in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this fall to prepare for a career in engineering.

Her winning essay addressed the DWCHC 2016 theme of “Why more Democrats in office mean a brighter future for me.”

In her essay, she wrote “Not surprisingly, my desire to inspire women to achieve educational and professional success in STEM* fields is closely tied to Democratic values. Because the Democratic Party is one that is interested in diversity and opportunity, many other Democrats (like First Lady Michelle Obama) are focused on encouraging young girls to pursue any academic interest they may have, especially those linked to the sciences.

* Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
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