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The Next Step: What Happens at County Convention?

 by Nancy Anderson.

Horry County Democrats who are fed up with politics as usual and are ready to help elect Democrats in 2018 and beyond are encouraged to sign up to be county convention delegates and indicate their interest in running for state convention delegate positions when they attend their precinct reorganization meetings the morning of March 24, 2018.

County convention delegates will assemble in the afternoon to elect county officers and delegates to the state convention.

All of this takes place March 24, 2018 at HCDP’s precinct reorganization event and convention, which will be held at the Academy for Technology and Academics on U.S. Route 501.

Horry County Democratic Party officers are elected for two year terms. If you are a committed Democrat who has some experience working with the party, please consider serving on the dynamic leadership team of County Party officers who will join precinct leaders to turn Horry County blue. The following County Party officer positions will be elected at the county party convention. Their duties are listed below:

Chair: The Chair calls and presides at meetings of the County Executive Committee, which should be held at least once a quarter. The Chair is responsible for the County Convention and the election of all Democratic candidates who run in the count. The Chair is responsible for sharing information from the State Party to the County Party officers and membership. The Chair should learn Party rules and state laws concerning candidate filing and procedures and should lead local candidate recruitment efforts. The Chair should attend State Executive Committee meetings whenever possible. The Chair is responsible for County Party fundraising efforts.

Vice Chairs: The First Vice Chair must be a different gender than the Chair. This individual assumes the role of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable. The Second Vice Chair must be a different race than the Chair. The Third Vice Chair must be between 18 and 35 years of age. Each Vice Chair will perform duties as directed by the Chair. Guidance from the State Party on Vice Chair duties has perhaps been purposefully vague to allow flexibility of duties based on needs of the local party and strengths and interests of each county party Vice Chair.

State Executive Committee Member: State Executive Committee Members are responsible for attending the five meetings of the State Executive Committee which are held annually. Committee Members serve as communication liaisons between the County and State Party. Each County Party elects one male and one female state Executive Committee Member.

Alternate State Executive Committee Member: The Alternate State Executive Committee Members represent the county at State Executive Committee meetings when the Executive Committee Member is unable to attend. Each County Party elects one male and one female alternate Executive Committee Member.

State Platform and Resolutions Committee Member: The responsibility of this individual is to represent the county on the state wide committee which addresses resolutions which may be submitted by county parties for the State Convention.

State Rules and Credentials Committee Member: The responsibility of this individual is to represent the county on the state wide committee which addresses rules and credentials issues for the State Convention.

County Party Secretary and County Party Treasurer officials are elected by the county Executive Committee at their first meeting after the county party convention.

Secretary: The Secretary’s responsibility is to keep minutes of meetings of the County Executive Committee and inform county Democrats of meetings and activities.

Treasurer: The Treasurer oversees the financial affairs of the County Party. The individual helps to prepare the county party budget, assists in raising funds and keeps party financial records related to monies raised and spent.

Horry County Democratic Party officers are expected to be loyal, dedicated Democrats who are willing to work together as a team with precinct leaders and volunteers to promote the Party’s values and to recruit and elect Democratic candidates at all levels.

As a part of the precinct reorganization/county convention planning effort, a nominations committee will be reaching out to individuals interested in serving as Party officers.  If you are interested in serving as a Party officer or would like more information about any of the officer positions, contact Nancy Anderson at (843)340-1595 or the HCDP office at (843)488-4237. The Party needs you!

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