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Prepare to Change the Electoral Landscape

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Horry County Democrats took a big step forward by dramatically increasing the number of Democratic voters in the 2018 midterm elections.

We now need to take a second step, a giant step to achieve our next objective; the election of Democrats to offices in Horry County and to help elect a candidate to the US House and US Senate. Everyone… EVERYONE… who wants a Democratic victory in 2020 needs to get actively and continuously involved from now until the 2020 Presidential election to achieve the change we deserve.

  • Join our voter registration efforts
  • Help recruit quality candidates
  • Get actively involved with our fundraising initiatives
  • Participate with our Communications team to spread our message
  • Educate voters to protect their rights

Donald Kohn, Chairman

Horry County Democratic Party

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