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Reminder – Sign Up Now for the HCDP Annual Golf Outing On June 29

It’s time to register to participate in HCDP‘s Second Annual Senator Dick Elliott Memorial Golf Outing to be held Saturday, June 29 at the award-winning Parkland Course located at Legend’s Golf Resort in Myrtle Beach.

Last year’s event was sold out with a lengthy wait list, so don’t wait. Plus, if you sign up now you can take advantage of Early Bird Special Registration and save $20 per foursome

As was the case last year, golfers can shoot for a 2019 Corvette in a hole-in-one contest on one of the course’s par 3 holes thanks to the sponsorship of Anderson Insurance LLC, Little River.

Joining HCDP in hosting the Outing again this year is Elliott Realty and Eagle Nest Golf Club.

As we did last year, a portion of our profits from the golf outing will benefit the local veterans through the Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center in Little River.

The Details

The Early Bird registration fee of $240 will apply to foursomes that are registered and paid by June 1, 2019. The fee thereafter will be $260 per foursome ($65 per golfer), with a deadline for registration of June 15, 2019.

In addition to golf, the registration fee includes a breakfast buffet, a cart, two beverage tickets (iced tea, soda or draft beer) and the Awards Lunch. In addition, there will be Mulligans, prizes, 50/50’s and a cash bar.

For those not golfing who would like to join us for the buffet breakfast and/or lunch, the price is $20 for either one of those meals or $25 for both.

There are also numerous sponsorship opportunities for individuals, companies and organizations.

Click here to download the form to register, sign up to be a sponsor and/or donate a raffle prize.

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