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Resolution – Voter Data Resolution (July 10, 2017)

Whereas: The Horry County Democratic Party maintains strict management of voter data to ensure security and

Whereas: Data breaches have been experienced at the State and  Federal Government levels and

Whereas: Great harm can occur to citizens as a result of data breaches and no widespread voter fraud has been documented,

Be it Resolved: That the Horry County Democratic Party will continue to focus on best practices for secure data management and

Be it Further Resolved: That the Horry County Democratic Party expects the same security protections by the Commission on Voter Registration and Elections and other government officials. The threat of voter data release acts as a tactic of voter suppression. The Horry County Democratic Party is opposed to the release of voter data to the Federal Government and other entities outside of our State by any parties.

We support efforts by the South Carolina Democratic Party to prevent voter data releases and oppose Republican efforts to illegally bypass  SC State law.

Click Here: Then scroll down to “Voting Rights”

Approved by EC’s – 07/10/17
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