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March in March: Voter Outreach and Registration Continues

HCDP’s “March in March” voter education campaign continues this month with a voter registration drive and phonebanks to reach Horry County voters.

On Saturday, March 25, HCDP will partner with the Social Action Committee of Bethel AME Church in Conway on a voter registration canvas in the Conway area. Volunteers will meet at the HCDP office and canvas from 10 am-Noon.

The partnership team is led by HCDP Chair Bennie Swans and Bethel AME committee representatives Deloris Rozier and Janice Miller.

HCDP is also continuing its weekly Tuesday evening phonebanks. Volunteers call registered voters to talk about the ABC’s of voting: updating Addresses, obtaining the Best ID (a plastic SC voter ID), and getting the Critical witness signature on mail-in-absentee ballots.

The next phonebanks are Tuesday, March 21 and March 28, 5:30-7:00 pm at the HCDP office in Conway.

The HCDP office is located at 909 Norman Alley, Conway, SC 29526. For information or to volunteer for any activity, call 843-488-HCDP (4237) or email


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