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Infrastructure: South Carolina to Benefit – Thank You Mr. President

By John Bitzegaio

Let’s all thank President Biden and the responsible legislators who passed the historic “Build Back Better” infrastructure package. Rep. Tom Rice and Sen. Tim Scott deserve no thanks. They voted “No,” even though this bipartisan bill will substantially benefit South Carolina and is sorely needed.

Rice argued that portions of the funding are destined to areas of public transportation. Rice maintains, “It doesn’t help Horry County, and it doesn’t help the poor folks in Marion and Dillon counties.” That’s because, he said, that they drive and don’t take public transportation.

So, by this logic, let’s vote “No” and get nothing at all.

Tim Scott says, “American families cannot afford to foot the bill for this ‘spend now, tax later’ plan, which is why I voted no.” American families will not be footing the bill, which will enable families to better meet their needs.

The legislation was reduced in scope by removing many provisions that would have benefitted American families to meet conservative objections. Let’s hope that Rice and Scott can support those provisions as parts of other legislation. Let’s #RISEUP! and make sure they do.

Their “No” votes seem like political decisions as they prepare to face the voters in 2022. Appearing to protect South Carolinians while failing to advance their constituents’ needs seems to be the playbook for re-election.

It is interesting that Lindsay Graham, who is not facing voters, voted for the package. He said, “This bill provides American infrastructure with a much-needed facelift. South Carolina will receive $4.6 billion in highway funding, $274 million in bridge replacement, and $70 million to assist in the deployment of electric vehicles and charging stations over the next five years.”

None of this would be possible if Rice and Scott had their way. It is time to support leaders who truly represent our interests.

So, #RISEUP! and thank those that are working for a brighter future. And be thankful for all the ways we will benefit from this historic legislation and the dedication and persistence of President Biden for pushing this through Congress.

This article is one in a series as HCDP calls out Republicans for their false and misleading statements and for divisive and irresponsible actions that are harmful to our country, state, and region. It’s all part of our #RISEUP! initiative now underway.

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Act now and get involved. Join the many HCDP volunteers who are working to spread the word. And please donate to our #RISEUP! Campaign. You can donate online or mail a check to the Horry County Democratic Party, P.O. Box 51522, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579.

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