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Swans Announces Democratic Party LGBT Committee

By Bennie Swans.

As chairman of the Horry County Democratic Party it is important that I take the opportunity from time to time to remind us of the values and resolutions of our party that we may sometimes overlook as we go about our lives, and especially when so much is going on in our national politics. These values include taking care of the “least of us” as we are reminded in the Gospel of Matthew. This is at the core of our party, the core of who we are.

We know how we feel in our own skins, and yet others may have difficulty in understanding our feelings and viewpoints. This is human. But as we seek to be understood, and be considered, we as Democrats must also make genuine efforts to understand others with whom we may not so readily relate. This is essential for a civilized society. How can we reasonably expect empathy from others if we are not willing to convey the same emotion? There seem to be many in the world today who find some sort of justification to hate and attack our fellow man, either physically or emotionally. We must reject these behaviors outright.

This what distinguishes us from others. And it is the right thing to do.

In order to demonstrate to the LGBT community in our society that they are truly welcome in the Democratic Party, we HCDP officers, Executive Committee members, HCDP regional club presidents and HCDP members must make sincere efforts to invite and embrace members of the LGBT community into our party. We must make these people feel welcome in order to make evident that our actions are genuinely in line with our stated values, to set the example for the wider community, and, yes, to increase voter turnout. It may not always come naturally for us to commune with others with whom we differ; however, we cannot be a part of perpetuating even subtle discrimination by means of exclusion, in this day and time. We Democrats are enlightened, and we are compassionate.

Therefore, in recognition of National LGBT Pride Month, it is my pleasure to announce that effective as of June 15, 2017, I have approved the creation of the brand-new Horry County Democratic Party LGBT Committee. This Committee will hold its originating meeting no later than the end of August 2017. Executive Committee members, club presidents, and guests will all be invited. In addition, there will also be a representative from the LGBT Committee to be recommended for inclusion into the South Carolina State LGBT Caucus when the LGBT Committee becomes operational.

These progressive actions are required and necessary under the State and National Party rules that in part state we should “focus on enactment” and that we should do so “on a statewide level.”

I am very proud to be a part of the Democratic Party in this most beautiful County of Horry, and in the great State of South Carolina. There is no place finer.

Have questions? Interested in participating? Welcome! Call us at (843)504-5489 or email with any questions.

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