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We Should All Care About Family Care: Navigating Elder Care When Our Hearts Are Breaking

Author’s Note: This article’s introduction previously appeared in The Journal of Loss and Trauma on March 18, 2023 in the article “Remembering Mother: Reconstituting Voice and Identity through Narrative with Alzheimer’s Patients” and appears here with the permission of the author, Deborah Cunningham Breede. "Man, ban, fan..."  Mom emphatically points at the man in the…

GOP Agenda Could Raise SC Health Care Costs

Republicans in Congress, including Senator Tim Scott, are pushing a budget plan that would make trillions of dollars in cuts to essential programs. As the GOP remains “intentionally vague” about where these cuts would come from, evidence from past statements, proposals, and previous budget plans provide a preview: Virtually every Republican budget or fiscal plan over the last decade has included repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…