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GOP Agenda Could Raise SC Health Care Costs

Republicans in Congress, including Senator Tim Scott, are pushing a budget plan that would make trillions of dollars in cuts to essential programs. As the GOP remains “intentionally vague” about where these cuts would come from, evidence from past statements, proposals, and previous budget plans provide a preview: Virtually every Republican budget or fiscal plan over the last decade has included repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA)…

After Coronavirus, Will GOP Attack Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid?

By Bob Gatty Congress has approved nearly $3 trillion in new federal spending to combat the impact of the coronavirus, and once the crisis has passed, expect Republican budget hawks to renew their attack on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to help recoup some of that money. Horry County residents need to pay attention because those…
To The Point

American Hostage

By V. Susan Hutchinson Ever since Donald J. Trump took the presidential oath of office on January 20, 2017, he has been holding Americans hostage in one way or another. He isn’t doing it alone; he has the full support of the Republican party. Let’s review some of our hostage situations. Healthcare Hostages The day he was sworn…

Is Trump’s America Winning Yet?

By Bob Gatty. Now that Donald Trump has been in office nearly two years, it's fair to ask whether voters in "Trump's America" are "winning" yet, as he repeatedly promised during his presidential election campaign. The answer, according to this analysis published by The Washington Post (one of Trump's favorite news outlets), is no. In fact, the data shows…