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The 2020 Horry County and South Carolina State Conventions

By V. Susan Hutchinson

As in previous presidential election years, in 2020 Democrats from across the county and state will come together to conduct party business. This includes electing delegates to the various conventions and to approve Resolutions, which may become part of the South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP) platform. All of this is part of the road that leads to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, WI on July 13-16.

The starting point is always HCDP Precinct Reorganization where county delegates are elected and submission of HCDP Resolution Proposals begins.

In order to be qualified to run as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, you must vote in the Presidential Primary Saturday, February 29, attend the HCDP Precinct Reorganization Saturday, March 14, be a delegate at the Horry County Democratic Convention Monday, March 30 and be a delegate at the South Carolina State Democratic Convention Saturday, May 30.

Horry County Democratic Convention

The 2020 Horry County Democratic Convention is Monday March 30 2020 at Cherry Hill Missionary Baptist Church, 504 Church St (Hwy 501), Conway. Check in for this meeting starts promptly at 5 pm for a 6 pm start time. Please be prompt. Attendees are allowed to bring drinks and food; however, please be mindful that we are in a church building and there is no microwave available to us.

Delegates to the convention are elected by their precinct at the HCDP Precinct Reorganization on March 14. Each precinct has a pre-determined number of delegates and alternates they can send to county convention. Guests are also welcome, but only delegates have the power to elect officers and vote on resolutions.

The agenda for the meeting this year is for delegates to:

  • Elect State Executive Committee members, one male and one female as well as one alternate of each gender.
  • Review and approve/reject all resolutions submitted from HCDP Precinct Reorganization.
  • Elect delegates and alternates to go to the South Carolina Democratic Convention.

In addition, HCDP County Convention there may be an opportunity to listen to speakers talk about local, state and national issues as well as networking with fellow Democrats from throughout the county.

Note: Election of County Officers (e.g. Chair, 1st Vice Chair, etc.) will not take place at this year’s convention.

South Carolina Democratic Convention

This year the South Carolina Democratic Party Convention will be held in Columbia on May 30, 2020. The state convention gathers together delegates, elected at the various county conventions, to hear discussions on proposed county approved resolutions and to vote for approval or rejection. County convention is also where delegates elect State Officers.

In addition, speakers from around the state will be there to motivate everyone for the 2020 Presidential Election. Previous state conventions have had Presidential candidates in attendance as well.

State convention is also where delegates are elected to attend the Democratic National Convention to represent South Carolina. To run as a delegate to national convention be prepared to give a persuasive speech describing why you should be chosen as a delegate. Delegates to the national convention attend at their own expense, including airfare, hotels and meals not provided as part of the convention.

Time for Democrats to Get Active

As HCDP Chair Don Kohn says, this is the most consequential election in our lifetime. In order to achieve our goals of electing candidates that support our values and who will work toward fixing our country, we must all get active and do what we can to make a change.

This is our year to show we will not be silent while our country is ravaged by those who would strip us of our rights and shred the United States Constitution.

Democrats will Take a Stand for Democracy and America in 2020!


If you need more information on county or state conventions or have questions, contact HCDP at 843-488-4237 or stop by the office at 311c Beaty St, Conway 29526.


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