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Time for Sorrow is Over; Now We Need to “Go High”

By Lorraine Woodward.

It was an emotional day at the South Carolina State Capitol for the Electoral College vote on December 19. I am compelled to ask that each and every one of us renew our commitment to change the political conversation in South Carolina.

I recognize that many of us are still mourning the events of November 8, but the time for sorrow is over. Now begins the hard work of rebuilding a party that for too long has not challenged those who seek to paint us in a bad light. As upset as I am about what will happen nationally, I believe we need to focus on what is happening close to home, in our communities. We need to hold our elected officials at all levels accountable, constantly questioning the policies we believe are harmful to the greater good. We need to engage the community in an education program about policies that work and begin the work of breaking down the barriers that lead to racism and sexism.

It’s time to begin talking to those with whom we have profound disagreements. It’s time to start listening with an open and true heart. This will not be easy, but I believe it’s necessary if we as a party are to progress and prevail. Like you, I am worried for our country, but if we work at changing one community at a time, we won’t have to worry so much later.

I know this is hard, but the time to be outwardly angry is over. We must start today to channel the positive and, in the words of Michele Obama, we need to “Go high, very high.” I know we can do it.

In solidarity!

Note: Sign up to volunteer with Horry Democrats, and get involved with the new local grassroots group – Grand Strand Action Together – via its Facebook page. Action Together originated from the phenomenal Pantsuit Nation on Facebook.

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