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Trump Must Make Amends for What He Unleashed During Campaign

By Gary Cole.

President-elect Donald Trump can redirect the negative energy he helped create before it gets out of his control. In his heart, his intentions are good. His message during the campaign resonated far worse then he intended.

Many groups, who only hear parts of his message, translated it as a call to arms against those who are wrong or against their cause. He must speak to the world with more than brief words of unity. He must denounce the rhetoric that got him elected, or it will continue to fuel anger in others. He must admit he hurt Americans, supporters and the opposition. He must call for an end to the bullying by his followers. He then must be vigilante in stamping out these activities as soon as they occur, for as long as they continue.

He must denounce actions with more vigor then the harmful things he said during his loud call for support that induced these events. His ability to calm us all and restore unity to America will increase in difficulty as each new each event occurs.

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