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‘Common Sense Economics’ Presented at Westside Dems August Meeting

By V. Susan Hutchinson. On August 23, the HCDP Westside Dems held their meeting at the Conway Library. The group invited John Brisini to present the topic Common Sense Economics. Brisini is the legislative liaison for the South Carolina AFL-CIO as well as the founder of the AI-Group, which provides business and political consulting/advising. The AI-Group…
How to Vote in the Horry County Democratic Primary

Safeguard Our Voting – NOW!

By Don Kohn. We are now less than three months away from the November 6 general election and questions about our voting processes and voting security continue unresolved, jeopardizing the fundamental right of all of our citizens to be certain that their votes are counted – and accurately. Last week, HCDP’s Wendy Baruch wrote a terrific piece…

Trump a Terrorist?

Coming within an inch of calling President Trump an outright terrorist, State Rep. Robert Williams declared Monday, Aug. 13, that "We cannot allow other dictatorships to run our country.” Williams, the 7th District Democratic candidate for Congress, was guest speaker at the Carolina Forest Democrats monthly meeting. “We've got terrorists right here in the U.S. They are doing…

EPA’s Clean Car Rollback: An Unhealthy, Unnecessary Plan

By Bob Gatty. The Trump administration's plan announced last week to weaken the 2020-2026 auto emissions and mileage requirements has been blasted by 10 major health and medical organizations, and now we learn that even the auto industry, which had lobbied for relief, apparently thinks it goes too far. To be effective in 2020, the proposal would eliminate the requirement…
Playing Politics with the U.S. Census

Playing Politics with the U.S. Census

As the U.S. Census Bureau prepares to conduct the decennial Census in 2020, concerns about the inclusion of a question regarding citizenship requested by the Trump Administration have cause widespread opposition and prompted lawsuits to be filed by more than two dozen states. It's no wonder, because it's a classic example of a shell game. Critics…
HCDP Supports Local Vets

HCDP Supports Local Vets

Horry County Democratic Party was proud to present a check for $500 on July 23rd to Shane Hubbard from the Horry County Agency on Aging’s Veterans Independence Program (VIP). The check represents 10 percent of the profits from the Senator Dick Elliott Memorial Golf Outing held June 30 at Wild Wing’s Avocet Course in Conway. In…
Rest in Peace Paul Morse

Rest in Peace Paul Morse

We were saddened to learn of the untimely death of Paul Morse, the Democratic candidate for South Carolina House of Representatives, District 58. For the past six years, Morse was the owner of House of Morse, a Conway, SC-based hospitality consulting company. He had 34 years managing hospitality industry housekeeping functions for hotels and resorts. “We were…
To The Point

I Am Woman!

By Sandra Kohn. In today’s political climate, women’s issues are of primary concern and well they should be. When we look back over the last century, we tend to congratulate ourselves on our progress; but the truth is our progress has been slow and thwarted with perilous opposition. Today, especially in this era of President Donald Trump…

High Stakes at the Supreme Court

by Don Kohn. The nomination by President Trump of Brett Kavanaugh to succeed retiring Justice David Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court emphasizes in stark terms the absolute necessity of Democrats assuming control of both houses of the U.S. Congress in the November 6 election. Kavanaugh’s commitment to extreme right wing public policy issues has been well…

Trump’s Tariffs Battle

Observers say President Trump’s trade policy hasn't ignited a trade war, but it has certainly started a tariff battle. All battles have consequences and casualties, and Trump’s tariffs battle is no different. Trump claimed that trade wars are easy to win, but he also said that times might get tough for some. It’s not at…
Hory County Democratic Party's Annual fundraising gala, the SHORE Dinner

7th Annual HCDP SHORE Dinner

Save the Date! Horry County Democratic Party’s Annual fundraising gala, the SHORE Dinner, will be held October 13, 2018 overlooking the ocean at the Bay Watch Resort and Conference Center in North Myrtle Beach. Please think about how you can help out by donating and soliciting silent auction items and program sponsorship ads. Each year, participants look…
Celebrating Independence Day

Celebrating Independence Day

As we pause this week to celebrate the birth of our nation, let us reflect on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Some may find it difficult to be proud to be an American these days, but despite the state of our nation under President Trump and the GOP, we must not forget what our…
To The Point

Call to Action

by Don Kohn, HCDP Chair. The primary election season is now concluded and Democrats who voted have made their choices, nominating our slate of candidates to help carry our party in Horry County and the rest of the Palmetto State to victory on November 6. Not in many years have Democrats had the opportunity for success as…

The Kind of People Who Built America

I scratch my head each time President Trump says that these Central American countries “are not sending us their best.” Seems to me that these people, after walking 1,2​00 miles to free themselves from ​corrupted governments, drug warlords, and no prospect​s​ for a living wage, are exactly the kind of people U.S. companies should be…