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Trump a Terrorist?

Coming within an inch of calling President Trump an outright terrorist, State Rep. Robert Williams declared Monday, Aug. 13, that “We cannot allow other dictatorships to run our country.”

Williams, the 7th District Democratic candidate for Congress, was guest speaker at the Carolina Forest Democrats monthly meeting.

“We’ve got terrorists right here in the U.S. They are doing the same thing to our democracy. We’ve got to remain strong together,” said Williams, the Democratic challenged to GOP Rep. Tom Rice, whom he of being “an enabler” of President Trump’s efforts to befriend Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Forty-five has caused more damage to our country than any other president in history,” he declared. “It is a travesty. We need people in Congress who are going to stand up against him.”

Williams recalled that it was the terrorist attacks of 9-11 that prompted him to choose public service.  A veteran of the Iraq war, Williams added, “I put my life on the line for South Carolina and this nation. I was able to survive Iraq, but a lot of my friends didn’t. I came back somewhat intact.”

Williams urged Democrats to work hard to register their friends and neighbors and to get out the vote. Hold house parties, he said, and he will come. He pointed out that Rice has far outdistanced him with fundraising and that he needs help. “I am just a little David with just a few rocks to throw,” he said. “Rice is a Goliath.”

“I’m in this thing to protect our children, our families, our way of life, our military and those who may need a little help along the way,” Williams stressed. “We have to stand up.”

The Democratic nominee also urged Horry County Democrats to come together in the effort to unseat Rice and help end Republican control of the U.S. Congress. “If we don’t win in 2018, we might as well kiss 2020 goodbye,” he said. “This is the most important election of our lives. It is critical. It is crucial.”

Williams wasted little time in his remarks stressing that he believes all people should be treated equally and with fairness, regardless of their race, sex or any other difference. “Everybody deserves equality,” he declared. “This country belongs to us all.”

Answering questions, Williams said:

  • His campaign is working to attract young voters, noting that those who are 17 now but will be 18 by Nov. 6 should register as they will be eligible to vote.
  • He is working to attract disenchanted Republicans and independents as well as Democrats. “We are talking to all people,” he said.
  • He supports Planned Parenthood and will reject defunding efforts.
  • He supported the expansion of Medicaid in South Carolina, opposing the refusal by Gov. McMaster to accept federal funding to provide coverage for additional needy South Carolinians.

Williams’ appearance before the Carolina Forest Dems came on the heels of a similar appearance before the Horry County Democratic LGBT Committee on Saturday, August 11, where he also responded to questions and urged support of his candidacy.


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