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Election of State Executive Committee Members

The Executive Committee (EC) acts as the governing body of the Democratic party with the responsibility of ensuring that all legal duties are carried out appropriately.

The Democratic Party of South Carolina (SCDP) has two levels of Executive Committee. The State Executive Committee is a group of elected representatives from each county across South Carolina.

Election of State Executive Committee Members

Delegates to the HCDP County Convention elect two State EC Members, one male and one female, and two Alternates, one male and one female, in even numbered years.

State EC members and alternates will be elected at the 2022 HCDP County Convention on March 19. Each nominee for State EC and Alternate will be given the opportunity to present why they should be elected to the State EC prior to the start of the voting process.

Due to COVID-19, HCDP is under an Emergency Declaration from SCDP, which allows HCDP to conduct a contactless Convention this year.

HCDP Delegates will be provided the link to participate in the 2022 County Convention when it becomes available.

Nominations for 2022 State EC

If anyone is interested in being a State EC member, verify you comply with all of the qualifications listed below.

To nominate yourself or someone else for State EC, please contact the HCDP office at (843)488-4237 to ask about the 2022 nomination process.

Anyone who wishes to be considered as a nominee for State EC is responsible for managing their own campaign. HCDP will disseminate any campaign materials prior to the County Convention via HCDP newsletter, social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and/or articles on the HCDP website  or flyers at the HCDP office in Conway.

SCDP EC Members have the following requirements to hold office:

  • Must be a resident of Horry County.
  • Must be currently registered to vote in Horry County.
  • Must be active in the Horry County Democratic Party.
  • Active is defined as at least two years as a precinct officer (EC or alternate, President, 1st, 2nd or 3rd Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer), has been a Democratic candidate for public office or a member of an HCDP Club or Committee (including any clubs affiliated with HCDP, such as the Horry County Democratic Women’s Council).
  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Has not, for the last 5 years, been active in another political party, run for office under another party or supported a candidate of another party.
  • All nominees for EC must also support the values, views, principles and mission of HCDP and the South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP).

The State Executive Committee

The South Carolina Executive Committee meets at least five times per calendar year in Columbia, SC or at an SCDP sponsored special event anywhere in the state.

Anyone who meets the qualifications listed below can run to be a member of the State EC. State EC Members can concurrently be a Precinct EC Member.

The State EC is composed of two members, one man and one woman, from each county to be elected at the biennial County Convention. Each county may elect two Alternate Members, one man and one woman, who shall represent the county in the absence of the EC Members. Each county shall have one vote on the Committee. When both EC Members from a county are present, each shall be entitled to one half (1/2) vote. When only one EC Member is present, that Member will cast the whole vote from that county. A county’s EC Alternates may vote only when neither EC Member is present. If two EC Alternates are present from a county and neither Member is present, each will cast one half (1/2) vote. If no EC Member and only one EC Alternate is present, that Alternate will be entitled to cast a whole vote. If any State EC has missed two consecutive meetings, they are deemed to have vacated their seat.

State EC Responsibilities

The State Executive Committee is charged with the execution and direction of the policies of the Democratic Party of South Carolina. They are subject to SCDP rules, the principles declared in their platform, and any instructions that may be adopted by an approved resolution, or otherwise, at a State Convention. The State Committee may make any rules or regulations for the purpose of enforcing rules that are not inconsistent with current rules or regulations.

The State Committee is authorized to investigate all charges of fraud and illegal practices. EC Members will be nominated, appointed and/or elected to SCDP Committees and Subcommittees and are responsible for communicating updates from the State EC meetings at the quarterly HCDP EC meeting.

Contact the HCDP office at (843)488-4237 or stop by at 311c Beaty St, Conway to inquire about this year’s process to submit your name as a nominee for State EC from Horry County or how to be a Delegate to the 2022 HCDP County Convention.

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