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Election of HCDP Executive Committee Members

The Executive Committee (EC) acts as the governing body of the Democratic party with the responsibility of ensuring that all legal duties are carried out appropriately.

The Democratic Party of South Carolina (SCDP) has two levels of Executive Committee. The Precinct Executive Committee members form the County level Executive Committee.

Executive Committee Members Terms

HCDP, per requirements defined by SCDP, holds a Precinct Reorganization Meeting every other year during an election cycle (i.e. mid-term and general election years). A precinct isn’t considered “organized” unless it has an elected EC. Executive Committee members are nominated and elected every two years at this meeting. Each precinct is allotted one EC and one Alternate EC.

Due to COVID-19, this year’s Precinct Reorganization and County Convention are under an Emergency Declaration from SCDP with approval for contactless meetings in 2022.

2022 Nominations for Precinct EC

HCDP Precinct Reorganization will be done this year via an online form managed by SCDP. Nominations for Precinct EC and alternate are only submitted using this online form for 2022.

If anyone is interested in being their Precinct EC or Alternate, first verify you comply with all of the qualifications listed below then request the link to the online SCDP form by contacting the HCDP office at (843)488-4237. HCDP staff will email the link to you.

The online form must be submitted by March 5, 2022 to give HCDP ample time to vet candidates and work with precincts who may have multiple EC nominees.

This form is also used to indicate your interest in becoming a Delegate to the 2022 County and/or State Conventions.

Qualifications for Precinct EC Members

  • Must be registered to vote in the precinct they represent
  • Must be 18 years of age
  • Must support the values, views, principles and mission of HCDP and the South Carolina Democratic Party (SCDP)

The HCDP Executive Committee

The HCDP Executive Committee meets quarterly, on the 2nd Monday of the month, in the Justice Center at 1301 2nd Ave in Conway.

Note: These meetings have been virtual since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Volunteers and guests are welcome to attend the EC meeting; however, they cannot vote on any motions presented.

Precinct EC Responsibilities

Precinct EC Members are expected to attend all quarterly HCDP EC Meetings. As representatives of their precinct, members should stay in contact with their community, help with voter registration, communicate important changes to voting in South Carolina, help recruit quality candidates for local offices and recruit volunteers to HCDP.

Precinct EC’s may also be called upon to assist HCDP officers to help with any EC approved campaigns as needed.

If you need more information about the HCDP Executive Committee, to determine if your precinct is organized and/or how to become a Precinct EC, contact the HCDP office at (843)488-4237 or stop by the party headquarters at 311c Beaty St, Conway.

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